Chapter Sixteen - "Two brooms ready for Mexico."

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Song on the side should be played when it's mentioned in the story :P

Picture is of Lily and James and the other song is in external links and should also be played when mentioned. :)

16 – “Two brooms ready for Mexico.”

Lily sat in her bedroom alone as she turned the pages of the photo album Tasmin had given her at Christmas. She felt herself smile at the many pictures of her and James from before they had become a couple; most of them were of her yelling at him or hitting him with something.

                She paused as she reached a picture of herself and Tasmin. It was back in Fifth year after their last O.W.L exam; they were sitting at the lake with their feet dipped in in an attempt to cool them off from the scorching weather. Lily smiled widely into the camera while Tasmin made faces at the person holding it. The camera man had been Remus.

                Lily ran her hand over the picture and sighed as she closed the album. Today was a happy day. It was a day where she would have lots of pictures taken. Her first ones as Lily Potter. She smiled as she stood up and smoothed down the front of her long white wedding dress.

                In only twenty minutes she would be walking down the aisle in her back garden and marrying her one true love.  It will be the best day of her life, but so many of her friends are unable to attend and she knew that she would miss them.

                Lily paused before picking up the album again and flipping to the last picture. It was from the day before Dumbledore asked them to join the Order and everyone had been split up. It was a group photo; Sirius and Tasmin were in the middle, Tasmin holding Evie, with Remus and Lily on either side as Godparents. Cory stood beside Remus with Peter on her other side and James stood beside Lily with his arm wrapped around her waist. A knock on the door interrupted Lily’s thoughts about whether they would ever get to take a picture of them all together again.

                “That’s a nice photo.” Tasmins voice rang out from behind Lily.

                “I thought so too. Is it time?” Tasmin nodded, her blood red lips in a genuine smile and her purple eyes sparkling with tears as she looked at her best friend in her long flowing white wedding dress. Lily’s hair was down with loose curls and had a veil placed at the back.

                “You look so beautiful Lily,” Tasmin smiled.

                “So do you!” Lily sniffed, trying to keep her tears of happiness at bay. Tasmin was wearing an emerald green strapless dress that stopped just above her knee. It was a plain dress but it was beautiful with her now blonde hair that reached her elbow in loose curls. She had no flowers as she was carrying Evie, who was the flower girl.

                Evie was wearing a white dress with short sleeves and a green ribbon around the waist. Her hair, which had turned silver along with her eyes that turned purple a few days after she was born and hadn’t changed, just reached her shoulders in masses of corkscrew curls and a green bow sat in it.

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