Chapter Twenty - "That's what makes it all the more tragic."

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20 – “That’s what makes it all the more tragic.”

Lily was reading a book in the sitting room when she heard a loud crash coming from the dining room. After failing to get off the couch a few times she just settled on calling out.

                “What was that?”

                There were loud whispers from behind the door before a rather unconvincing voice responded, “Nothing,” James’ voice wavered a little.

                Lily raised an eyebrow out of habit and before she could respond the door swung open and Evie came running in holding a bunch of flowers. She dropped the flowers in Lily’s lap and gave her an almost innocent smile. “Uncle James didn’t break anything,” She said looking quite proud of her self.

                “That was not what you were supposed to say!” James cried as he barged into the room looking a little flustered. “Lily darling, I’m very sorry, but the cat came in through the window and knocked over your favourite Goblin made vase through no fault of mine,” He sent his wife a dashing smile.

                “Uh-ha,” She commented in disbelief, “James honey, we don’t have a cat.”

                James only hesitated for a moment before turning up the smile to dazzling, “That’s what makes it all the more tragic,” Lily was saved from a reply as Remus walked in.

                “Where are all my chocolate frogs?” He demanded in a huff. Lily squirmed under his sharp gaze.

                “I think I ate all your chocolate frogs.” She almost whimpered.

“What do you want you horrid bitch!” Remus snapped.

“Looks like its Moony’s time of the month again.” James added causing Evie to through her arms up in the air with a squeal of delight.

“YAY! UNCLE DOGGY!” She screamed as she proceeded to run around the room in circles.

“I may have shared them with her,” Lily winced.


Tasmin was just putting Evie down for her nap when she heard Sirius shouting from down stairs.

                “DON’T TOUCH MY HAIR!”

                With a sigh Tasmin made her way towards the kitchen where she walked in to see James laying the floor with a laughing Sirius sitting on his back.

                “SIRIUS IS LAUGHING AT ME!”

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