Chapter Seventeen - "Alive and kickin'."

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17 – “Alive and kickin’.”

“Savannah,” James whispered softly, “I thought you were-”

                “Dead?” She smirked, “Sorry to disappoint, but I’m alive and kickin’.” She seemed relaxed and not scared at all to be tied up and wand-less.

                “I saw you,” Tasmin spoke with a hard tone, “I saw them attack you, they used all three Unforgivable curses, I saw your body, I buried you!” She finished with a yell as she threw a curse at Savannah and watched her calm expression turn to pain.

                “Tasmin,” Lily called hoping to calm her best friend down.

                Tasmin ignored Lily and aimed another curse and Savannah screamed in pain. Tasmin threw another and another and nothing any of her friends said could stop her. James pulled out his wand and tried to disarm her but Tasmin blocked it and aimed at him.

                “Tasmin stop!” Sirius yelled as he jumped in front of James, “This isn’t you, you would never turn on us,” Tasmin lowered Sirius’ wand and turned back to Savannah. Sirius gently took his wand back and James took Lily’s hand in his before facing their captive.

                “What happened?” James spat out.

                Savannah smirked as she lifted her head up to look at them. Her hair fell around her face in a mess and she had a split lip.

                “Apparently my sister can’t even tell the difference between me and a filthy Muggle. Of course her boyfriend is no better,” She nodded her head at Sirius who tensed next to Tasmin, “Tell me, where is my little niece?”

                Tasmin took a step forward but Sirius and James pulled her back and kept their hold on her.

                “Just tell us what happened,” Lily growled from beside James.

                “Little Tasmin was on a day trip with the boyfriend when suddenly … a group of Death Eaters surrounded them. They fought bravely and just as they were about to escape, Bellatrix revealed me. Tasmin got scared, promised to do whatever she wanted but Bellatrix just smiled. She put me under the Imperius Curse and made me attack Tasmin, the boyfriend tried to stop me but Bellatrix kept blocking him and then put him into a full body bind. After a while she got bored bonded Tasmin and Crucio-ed me until I went limp. Finally Bellatrix made bought of them watch as she used the final curse. Avada Kadava.” Savannah whispered the last bit as if she was seducing a lover with a look of pure glee.

                “But it wasn’t me. It was a Muggle we had found and used Poly Juice Potion to make her look like me.” She cackled.

                “Why?” Tasmin whispered; her head was down as tears cascaded down her cheeks, the two boys still holding her back. “Why did you do it?”

                Savannah thought for a moment before widening her grin, “For fun,” was her simple reply before her crazed cackling filled the otherwise silent room again.

                “You BITCH!” Tasmin roared breaking free of the boys and attacking Savannah.

She knocked her to the floor and punched her in the face, stomach, chest, anywhere she could before her friends pulled her off and struggled to drag her out of the room.

They hadn’t reached the door yet when Savannah called out to her, “Watch your back little one. He wants your baby!” And her insane cackle echoed through Tasmins head.

This took forever to write and I’m sick so sorry about it being so short L

Picture is of Savannah!

I know I said I’d have this up two days ago but my sexy neighbour in the apartment above mine asked me to go to his American Football finale, ‘The Shamrock Bowl’. It was an epic game but his team, The Vikings, lost so we were sad L

Then yesterday, my baby brother came home from his trip to France so I spent the day with him and we went to see The Amazing Spiderman :D so I couldn’t write.

5 votes for the next chapter and thanks to the six new Fans I got :D

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