Chapter Twelve - "an orgasm for my mouth."

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12 – “An orgasm for my mouth.”

Lily, Cory, Tasmin and the Marauders were sitting on the floor in front of the fire two weeks before their N.E.W.T’s in July when James asked a question.

“How do you think we will die?”

“Why so morbid?” Cory asked confused.

“You will probably die trying to save Lily but you’re an idiot and will forget your wand so she’ll die too, protecting your spawn. Moony will die with the love of his life – not me, some other broad – in an epic good versus evil battle in Hogwarts, fighting evil obviously. Wormtail will probably kill himself after losing a limb or two and Sirius will die lamely by falling into a curtain with cousin Bella laughing at him. Cory will die when you least expect it.” The group all turned to Tasmin who just shrugged in explanation of her answer.

“This is a weird conversation. I’m going for some chocolate.” Remus said as he rose from the floor. Cory stood up beside him.

“I’ll come too, I want some ice-cream.” The two left through the portrait hole and Lily shook her head at Tasmin.

“How will you die?”

“Epically. Like, saving someone from Baldy Voldy or something.”

“Why will I die lamely?” Sirius pouted.

“Because you’re a loser and no-one likes you. Unlike me, who will die saving my Lily-flower,” James gloated as he puffed his chest out importantly.

“According to Tasmin you forget your wand and end up killing the both of us due to your stupidity.” Lily pointed out.

“Why can’t you just be happy that we die together due to my heroicness?”


Tasmin was waddling down the corridor to Transfiguration with Remus when a group of first years began to stare at her and her swollen belly. She sighed in annoyance and Remus took hold of her hand to calm her down. When they began to whisper loudly about her ‘slutty behaviour’ she lost it.

                “Listen here you little shits,” she yelled, “I’m not a slut, unlike like you, who looks like you’re wearing a ton of make-up-”

“MS GREEN!” Professor McGonagall roared out of her classroom, “Go to the Headmasters office, down the hall to the left, when you see Potter and Black, you’re there.” She glared at Tasmin as she waddled away without a word, trying to hold in the tears that threatened to burst.

                It had been a week after the Gryffindor and Slytherin match when everyone found out about her pregnancy. Tasmin and Lily had been in the girl’s bathroom on the second floor when Lily asked her a question.

“Do you have any cravings?”

“Peanut butter. On carrots. With mayo. It’s like an orgasm for my mouth.” Tasmin replied with her mouth-watering with need for the deliciousness. “Why?”

“They say if you crave sweet things it’s a girl and salty things if it’s a boy.” Tasmin was about to ask who ‘they’ were but the slamming of a stall door cut her off.

“Oh my Merlin, you’re pregnant!” a high pitched voice shrieked, causing the two girls to flinch. They were unsure who the girl was but they green and silver school uniform alerted them that it was a Slytherin. She ran out of the bathroom before they could stop her and by the time they left half of Hogwarts knew.

                Tasmin knocked on the door to Dumbledores office and was greeted with a ‘come in’. When she entered Dumbledore pointed to the seat across from his desk and Tasmin sat down silently.  “I have heard what happened.” He stated.

“I’m sorry sir, I shouldn’t have yelled at the first years.” She mumbled.

“It’s quite alright. We all say things we don’t mean.” His eyes surveyed her and she felt like he was able to see through her.

“I just feel … stressed.” She muttered without realising it. “My exams are in a week, I’m due to have a baby in ten days, I don’t know if I’m going to be a good enough mother, I’m worried Sirius will get bored of being a father and I … I miss Scarlett. She would know what to do.” She sobbed. “I’m scared Professor. I’m scared that I’m going to mess up, not only my life, but Sirius and the baby’s too.”

Yeah, yeah, I'm a bad person for not uploading for ages and then giving you guys this really short chapter but I was busy.

So, 'Are You Sirius?' still has a long way to go but I am planing a sequel and I have already written the first chapter.

Speaking of being busy, if you're camping, three miles away from the nearest house with eight friends who are really drunk, never let someone let someone finish a sentence with "I bet I can..." as it will probably end up being "Body slam the tent." and that is not good when it's the only tent you have. And it's raining.

Don't forget to vote and comment :) Love, Nikki.

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