Chapter Twenty-Two - "Can't we just become Death Eaters?"

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22 – “Can’t we just become Death Eaters?”

Dedicated to hanachan888 because she is an amazing Wattpad Coffee and she completely deserves it.

“Home sweet home,” Sirius sighed as he walked into his apartment after visiting the Potters.

                “How were Lily and James?” Tasmin asked as she leaned against the doorway. Sirius gave her a small smile as he shook his head.

                “James isn’t doing too well; he’s restless.”

                Tasmin sighed and made her way back into the kitchen, Sirius following her. They sat at the small, square table in silence as the kettle boiled. Sirius leaned his elbows on the table and buried his face into his hands. It wasn’t long before the tea was sitting in front of them, slowly going cold though neither made a move to drink any.

                “Did it work?” Tasmin asked biting her lip in anticipation.

                Sirius finally lifted his head from his hands revealing the dark bruises from lack of sleep on top of worrying for his family and friends. ”Yeah, though it took a while even for Dumbledore,” He gave a feint smirk, “Lily asked us over for Christmas dinner.”

                Tasmin frowned as she picked up her cup but didn’t bring it to her lips. “I don’t know …” She trailed off as Sirius scowled.

                “It doesn’t seem right to be celebrating in times like these?” He supplied for her but she shook er head in disagreement.

                “No not that. I think we should celebrate, keep things as normal as possible for the kids, but its Harry’s first Christmas, they should just spend their time with him.” Sirius smiled a proper smile that showed the dimple in his left cheek. Tasmin hadn’t seen that smile since the Prophecy came to light. “And I kind of just want to spend time alone with Evie and you; not having to worry about cooking for everyone and keeping people entertained.” She finished.

                “I agree,” Sirius said simply, that smile still on his face. It was even better than the crooked smile he used when he wanted to get with a girl back at Hogwarts; it was more real. Tasmin felt nothing though, and it scared her.


Severus stood in front of Voldemort, his expression was blank but on the indie he wanted to scream. Not only had Lily married that … that Potter, but she had his baby too. Harry James Potter. Severus was almost at his breaking point. Couldn’t she see that Potter was putting her in danger? That if it wasn’t for him, she would be safe? If Lily had just realised Severus’ love for her they could be the ones who had married and had a son.

                “I thought you would be happier Severus,” Voldemort sneered as he looked down on one of his most loyal followers.

                Severus’ eyes snapped up to The Dark Lord, “My Lord?” He questioned in confusion.

                “When I kill them they won’t be able to parade their happiness in front of you; they won’t be able to haunt you,” Voldemorts cruel, cold laughter filled the dark room, his other followers joining in, though not as loud.

                “You’re going to kill them too?” Severus was shocked, but still his mask did not fall, did not reveal his true emotions. If it did, he would be dead.

                “Why keep them around?” Voldemort mocked Severus’ questioning tone, “Besides, it’s not like they’ll just allow me to kill their son; they actually love him.” He was taunting Severus, trying to get a response but Severus just bowed low.

                “May I have your permission to leave, my Lord?” He kept his tone passive and polite.

                Voldemort sneered at him and dismissed him with a wave of his hand.

                Severus walked out of the room calmly, down the long dark corridor and out the large oak doors into the front garden. He walked down the path and out the gate. It was only when he walked a half mile from Malfoy Mansion that he ran, his black robes billowing behind him.

He needed to save Lily. T save her from death, even though he knew it would mean his own death at the hands of Voldemort and her continued loyalty to Potter.

He needed to find Dumbledore.


“Do we have to fight? I’m tired! Can’t we just become Death Eaters?” Peter moaned as the four original Marauders gathered in the basement of James and Lily’s house.

                None of the others answered him, just shot him dirty looks as they raised their wands again and practised their disarming spells.

                “Some people need to be face palmed. With a chair. That’s on fire.” Sirius muttered as he blocked James’ disarming spell.

                They had been practicing since early morning and it was already past dinner. The four men had hardly taken any breaks, in fact the only one was when Lily made them come up for dinner.

                “Sirius, you should grip your wand more like-”

                “I know what to do!” Sirius snapped, interrupting Remus’ teachings. The tension between the two had been palpable at the least and Remus didn’t even know why, not having been told of Sirius’ distrust of him.

                “Fine!” Remus snapped back he was about to just continue when Sirius shot him a dirty look. If looks could kill Remus would be stone cold. “You know what? It’s not fine. I have no idea what’s wrong with you – no, shut up!” He yelled as Sirius opened his mouth to argue, “I have spent the last eight years with whiplash trying to follow your fucking mood swings and I’m sick of it! Sort out whatever is going on with you ‘cause I’m leaving.” He finished before storming out of the basement.

                “Well done Sirius.” James clapped his hands sarcastically.

                “Shut up Prongs. If I wanted a lecture I’d go home.”


“What is wrong with you?” Tasmin yelled at Sirius as she wrapped the last of the presents. He had just finished telling her what had happened back at James and Lily’s and she was furious with him for letting Remus leave.

                “He’s hiding something; I just know it!” Sirius counter remarked.

                “Sirius, you need to get over this, Remus is not the bad guy here.” Tasmin rubbed her hands over her face as she lowered her voice.

                “I just don’t want anything to happen to you or Evie,” Sirius whispered. For some reason Tasmin felt a wave of guilt crash over her but she stood her ground. “We’ll talk about this later. It’s officially Christmas morning,” She smiled as she looked at the clock that read three am.

                At seven Evie came running it to their room.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter, not long left.

If you’re at work and two guys are really drunk and get into a bar fight: DON’T TRY AND BREAK IT UP! One of them will hit you and it will hurt like a MoFo.

That happened at two in the morning and I had to work till half five. Got home at six and fell asleep only to be woken by Gareth placing speakers on either side of my head and blasting Kesha. I don’t even want to know why he has her on his iPod.

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