Young Love (Sebastian x Ciel) Chapter Two

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"To Expect The Unexpected"

My first class that day was gym, something I do no excel at. Honestly, gym was something I never acknowledged, but I might as well just go through with it. It was my first day anyway, I wanted it to go smoothly. Our group of students filed in to the gymnasium, gaping at out nice it was. It was huge, like any other gym, but not all school gyms have large glass windows on every wall. There was also a giant red stage in the middle. I didn't bother asking why it was there.

"This place is so cute! That stage matches my shirt!" Lizzie said, tugging at my sleeve. I didn't say anything, just looked around casually. Alois was nowhere to be seen, but I guessed he was probably hiding from the rumored pedophile teachers. I wondered why he had become so utterly nervous, I mean, they were just rumors right? Or did something happen to him?

"Psst, Ciel!" I heard him suddenly whisper. I whipped my head around to the direction where his voice was coming from, and had a mental face palming session. The idiot was hiding in the ball cart!

"Alois, what the hell are you doing?" I whispered back, looking from side to side to make sure the teacher wasn't around. Alois just giggled, and jumped out with ease. I never really got that kid, to be honest. He strutted over to me and put his hands on his hips.

"I'm a master when it comes to gym!" He said proudly, sticking his chin up.

"Doubt it," I muttered, turning around. Then, the double doors of the gym swung open, causing everyone to immediately glance over. In walked a tall woman with short, crimson hair, crimson eyes, and a crimson business suit, which exposed her chest a little too much. Her ruby red heels clicked loudly against the gym floor as she made her way in front of us, and stood at a podium on the red stage.

"Morning, all! I'm Princepal Red, but most like to address me as Madam Red." She shouted, grinning at each one of us. The name was all too familiar. The color, her personality. Everything. Her eyes grazed across mine, her brows furrowed. I nervously looked the other way, uncomfortable with the sudden eye contact.

"Unfortunately for you freshmen," she continued,

"Your first day here won't be that easy. In fact, a whole lot of you will probably want to leave!" I zoned out on the rest of what she was saying, a bit unnerved. I couldn't get that face out of my head. The long, shiny black hair. The red eyes. His sense of style.

'Ciel, you idiot! You're the same sex as him!' A heavy voice in my mind scolded me. I tried to turn my attention back to the principal, but my mind began to drift. He had made eye contact with me, full on, but he seemed pretty ticked at something. I just didn't know what. I honestly didn't know what came over me, I mean come on, what if I end up like Alois?

"...and if you follow those few simple rules here at Kuro High I'm sure your time here will be charming!" My attention turned back to her.

"What rules?" I whispered to Elizabeth. She turned to me, and frowned.

"Weren't you listening?" She whispered back.

"I'll be leaving now! Have a great day!" Principal Red said, sashaying out the door. I had no idea what she had been saying, but it's not like I really cared. All I cared about at that moment was getting gym over with and moving on with my day. And I needed to get one person, that I didn't even know, out of my head.

* * *

"Sebastian Michaelis?" Finny asked, stuffing his face with salad. He seemed a bit nervous while saying his name. Heck, this poor kid was always nervous!

"That's his name?" I replied, not bothering to look up from my lunch. Elizabeth came and plopped down next to me.

"I heard he's what everyone would call, a "rebel." If you ask me, that's a bad personality to have in highschool." She said, taking a sip of her soda. I rolled my eyes.

"Why do you care?" I asked, turning to her.

"Just be careful Ciel." She answered simply. I had no idea what she meant, but didn't bother asking.

"Speak of the devil, he's looking right at you." Violet said flatly, his hood covering his gaze completely. My head shot up, and I nervously turned around. There he was, sitting alone at the table right behind mine. He was glaring at me, hard. I blinked once and immediately turned back around.

"He looks mad." I said, lowering my voice a little.

"He seems like the type that's always mad." Alois spat, while toying with his food. He leaned in close to my ear, making sure no one heard what he was about to say.

"He seems like your type." He whispered. Instinctively, I spit out my food. I couldn't believe my ears. Everyone at my table looked at me, perplexed expressions on their faces. Embarrassed, I quickly turned to Alois, who was trying his best not to laugh. I frowned at him, and hit him on the arm.

"Well ow," He giggled.

"What do you mean he's my type?" I asked as quietly as I could, no matter how mad I was.

Alois chuckled once again, and flipped his messy blond hair.

"Exactly what you think I mean." He replied curtly. I groaned, and turned back to my lunch, which I had barely eaten.

"Something wrong, man?" Violet's friend, who I found out was Cheslock, asked. I shook my head, not saying a word. Could Alois really tell? He saw right through me, it creeped me out. Yeah, he's gay, but me? Is that really how I wanted people to see me?

"Is he still looking?" I asked. Elizabeth turned around casually, then went back to her lunch.


"You sure?"


She was bluffing. I turned around slowly, and Sebastian was looking right at me. Shivering, I turned and frowned at Elizabeth.

"I thought you said he wasn't looking."

Getting no response, I got up from my seat in a huff. Picking up my trash, I began to make my way to the garbage can. That was, until, someone's foot shot out and tripped me. My food launched into the air, as I tumbled to the ground. I groaned, and looked up. To my horror, my lunch had hit Sebastian as he was getting up himself. I looked to my left. The red-head and the blond from earlier were towering over me, laughing like maniacs. Panicking, I stood up and looked to a pretty pissed Sebastian.

"Uh, I'm sorry I-" I was cut off by someone forcefully pushing me into Sebastian's chest. He moved back a bit, but remained standing, glaring me down. I realized how close I was to him, and tumbled back. He caught me by the collar of my shirt, and jerked me towards him.

"You little shit." He seethed. I opened my mouth to say something, but he threw me down to the ground. By now, everyone began to watch excitedly.

"Ciel!" Elizabeth cried, rushing to my side.

"Move it, princess." The blond male said, shoving her away from me. She let out a small cry, and stumbled back into her seat.

"Do something Finny!" She said. Finny nervously ran in circles, then out of the cafeteria. Sebastian was walking closer and closer towards me. Nervous, embarrassed, and hurt, I struggled to lift myself to my feet, only to get knocked down again. I hit my head on the corner of a table. I winced at the pain, and held back tears.

Shit, I wasn't expecting this at all.

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