Young Love (Sebastian x Ciel) Chapter Eighteen

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"My Lucky Night"

Elizabeth stepped over to me, and put a finger to her lips.

"Um, is this a good time?" She squeaked, obviously concerned. I was so annoyed with Claude, that I wanted to let loose and scream. I glanced to Sebastian. He roughly turned Claude around by the shoulder, and gripped the collar of his tuxedo.

"Ciel is my boyfriend, you pervert!" He boomed, fully ready to give Claude the best punch of his life. However, he just gazed at Sebastian, completely not phased by his actions.

"Ciel, you still have the messages, right?" Claude casually turned to face me, and Sebastian gritted his pearl whites in annoyance.

"But this is a misunderstanding! I thought that number was Sebastian!" I reasoned, becoming more nervous every second. Honestly, Claude probably knew this would freaking happen!

"How foolish," He said, prying Sebastian's hand off of his collar. Sebastian grunted, and stood in front of me.

"He's mine, Claude. Deal with it." He said lowly.

Finny chuckled awkwardly, and rubbed the back of his neck with his hand.

"Ah, it's obvious this was all a mistake! We better go, or we'll be late for homecoming guys." He said. Everyone, except for Violet, nodded vigorously in agreement, and they turned to leave.

"C'mon, Ciel." Sebastian said, taking my hand. I walked with him and the others, leaving Claude at my doorstep. I could feel his eyes burning into my back, and I knew that he'd follow us.

* * *

It was a silent walk when we arrived at the school. It wasn't awkward, though. It was clear that everyone was either lost in thought, or just confused. Sebastian tightened his grip on my hand, and lightly swung it with his. I felt safe with him, and I knew I'd be okay. Well, as long as Claude stayed out of the picture.

"Hannah~!" Alois squealed, running over to the tall girl. She smiled warmly, as Alois wrapped his arms around her waist. He was much shorter than her.

"Everyone, this is Hannah Annafellows. She's my date, although, she's more like a big sister to me." Alois said. Everyone waved at Hannah and smiled.

"Alois, come on, the punch bowl is almost empty." Hannah said, tapping Alois on the back. His eyes enlarged to the size of donuts, and he dramatically fell to his knees in the grass. Finny and Cheslock chuckled at his stupidity.

"But, but-"

"I'm just kidding! Come on in, guys." Hannah teased, grabbing Alois' hand and pulling him along. The rest of us followed, and Sebastian turned around to look at something.

"Everything okay?" I asked, looking along with him. He held my hand, but hesitantly began to pull his away.

"I just have to go do something... I'll be back, Cutie." He said quickly, jogging off into the night.

"Oh. Okay," I said quietly.

"Ciel, come on!" I heard Lizzie say. I glumly looked to the ground, then caught up with my friends.

* * *

I watched as Cheslock skipped over to Violet, moving his arms to the music.

"Hey, do ya feel like dancing?" He asked his hooded friend.

"No." Violet replied bluntly.

Cheslock frowned, and shrugged nonchalantly.

"Me either."

I cracked a small smile. When was Sebastian going to be back? And where the hell did he go? I sighed, and sat at an empty table, bored. Lizzie and Finny were dancing, and Alois was joking with Hannah. I spotted Grell and Ronald waltzing over to me, those grins of theirs still on their faces. They both wore matching tuxes with matching ties, and they stood almost symmetrically next to each other. They slipped their hands into their pockets in unison, and grinned at me.

"Ciel, where's Sebastian?" Grell asked, tilting his head. His green eyes gleamed, and Ronald tilted his as well. If these two were ever to be twins, it'd be impossible to tell them apart. Even their personalities were similar.

"He said he had to go do something," I replied, straightening my posture. Grell made a pouty face, and sat down next to me.

"Poor baby! We'll keep you company~" He said. Ronald nodded and sat on the opposite side of me. I also noticed that they both wore black hand gloves.

"I wonder if Sebastian's surprise still stands?" Ronald asked Grell, smiling at me slyly. I sighed, and leaned back in my chair. Grell tapped his fingers on the table, and shrugged.

"Well, being that he isn't here..."

"He'll come!" I suddenly blurted out. Luckily, my voice couldn't be heard by everyone because of all of the loud music and laughter. Grell and Ronald both looked at me with wide, green eyes. I blinked, realizing my sudden outburst, and buried my face in my arms on the table.

"Ciel, it's Sebastian we're talking about. Of course 'ees gonna come." Ronald said.

I didn't reply.

Then, a loud, male voice boomed into a microphone. I peered over at the stage, and watched as a tall senior tapped the mic to get everyone's attention.

I then recognized who it was. It was Bardroy, a friend of Finny's.

"Aye, people! As you all know, tonight is a special night, and we wanna make it fun. So, we'll be picking one lucky person from the crowd to choose someone to dance with!" Everyone began to buzz with excitement, the girls whispering to one another. I didn't react at all. I just wanted Sebastian.

Suddenly, someone's hand shot up into the air.

"What if the person chooses someone of the same gender?" They asked, rather loudly. I scoffed silently, rolling my eyes. Although, everyone else seemed to agree, and nodded vigorously. Bard awkwardly stared at the ceiling, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Eh, I suppose that's alright. Okay, Mey-Rin, gimme the bowl." He said. Then, Mey-Rin, a girl with maroon colored hair and sharp, hazel eyes stepped onto the stage. She handed Bard a glass bowl of names, and excitedly awaited who's name would be drawn.

The tension built up quickly. Everyone was hopeful that they would pick, or be picked. I sighed, and rested my face in the palm of my hand.

Bardroy took his time stirring his hand in the bowl, then finally held out a piece of paper in front of him. He proudly read out the name.

"Claude Faggot! Oops, that says Faustus..." Bard nervously said. Ronald and Grell laughed out loud at his mistake.

Chuckles and gasps were heard among the crowd, as everyone turned to look at Claude, who stood in the doorway of the room. He casually adjusted his glasses, his golden eyes gleaming. My heart began to pound. Was he going to pick me? Surely he wouldn't! I mean, he knew I was with Sebastian but... Would he?

Claude glided passed several tables, not making eye contact with anyone. He just gazed right at me, which made a chill travel up my spine.

"Well, who will you pick?" Bard asked. Claude stopped in front of the stage, turning towards the audience. Our gazes met, and I quickly looked away.

Silence. He didn't answer for a moment, but I felt him stare at me. I was sure he was burning holes into my face by now.

"I pick..."

A couple of girls urged him to answer.


My breathing hitched in my throat, and my heart began to pound out of my chest.

Sebastian, where the hell are you?!

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