Young Love (Sebastian x Ciel) Chapter Nine

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Looks like things are about to get interesting...

"Falling for Him"

"What are you doing?" I demanded, sitting up forcefully, causing Sebastian to step back. He was a bit confused for a moment, then he chuckled.

"Calm yourself, Cutie. I just want to get to know you better, that's all." He replied, shrugging casually like it was nothing.

"Well, you could've just asked!" I pouted, sitting on the edge of the desk. I will confess one thing I felt at the time, though. A part of me wanted to get to know Sebastian, but another part feared him. Maybe it was because of his perverted intentions, but then again, he was quite the attractive one. I regretted such thoughts, because after all, I was the same gender as he was.

"You're so adorable when you're mad." Sebastian cooed, ruffling my hair with his hand. I lightly pushed it away, averting my eyes from his. He smiled, and rested an arm and Grell's left shoulder.

"So, since we'll be stuck as partners in this hell hole, I figured I'd make it less uncomfortable between us." He spoke, almost in a seductive, yet honest tone. I blinked, and flipped my hair out of my eyes. This seemed to catch him off guard, as it did several times before. I then remembered how Alois was quite taken with my, erm, hair flip.

"And maybe, if you need help..." He said, leaning down towards me.

"I could be your private tutor." He whispered. I shivered, and nodded.

"Sure, thanks." I replied quickly.

We spent about forty-five minutes talking, and, unfortunately, missing class. Guess I'll have to see what excuse I can come up with. But, it was... Kind of worth it. I got to know a lot about Sebastian, including a few bits and pieces about Grell and Ronald. Sebastian would say things throughout our chat, like:

"You're cute when you talk."

"Don't be afraid to ask to hang out." Or,

"What if I was your butler?" The last one kind of confused me, but it made me chuckle. Even though Sebastian and I aren't as separated as we used to be, there's still something about him. Something I couldn't explain, that made me want to avoid him. But, in the same sense, I wanted to be with him.

Before we left the science room, Sebastian looked over his shoulder and smiled at me.

"By the way, I bet you'd be a lot cuter if you smiled more."

* * *

The next few weeks passed by pretty quick, but things were starting to heat up. I was a little weirded out, and rather freaked. And no, this time it wasn't just Sebastian.

I had been eating lunch with Lizzy, Finny, Cheslock, Violet, and Alois, who still seemed ticked at me. I didn't quite understand why, but I was willing to find out.

I got up from the table, carrying my tray of trash and leftovers with me. I kept my head down, and stared straight ahead at the trash can. I arrived at my destination, but, in the same moment, so did Claude. And, after Claude, Sebastian. They both froze and glared at me, immediately sending chills up my spine. They stood on either side of me, empty handed. Claude pushed his glasses upward on the bridge of his nose, and held out his hand to me. At the same time, Sebastian held out his too, to take my tray.

I paused. Glancing at both hands, I slowly looked up at Sebastian who was giving Claude a sideways glare. Then, the totally unexpected happened.

Sebastian hit the bottom of my tray, causing it to go tumbling to the ground. The food splattered all over the cafeteria floor, some getting on my converse.

"Dude?" I demanded, staring at Sebastian in awe. He just grunted, and walked back to his table, lightly pushing Claude on his way. Claude was a bit awestruck too, and watched intently as Sebastian sat down, and acted as if nothing happened.

'Why the hell did he do that?' I wondered to myself.

I bent down to grab my tray, and as if on cue, Claude did the same. He crouched down right in front of me, our faces inches from touching. I could feel the eyes of everyone on my back, as well as Alois, who I'm sure was getting pissed.

"I'll get that for you, Ciel." Claude whispered, his face moving in a bit closer.

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