Young Love (Sebastian x Ciel) Chapter Twenty

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"One Hell of a Dance Lesson"

Sebastian was silent for a moment, then smiled at me in the bathroom mirror. A single tear ran down my cheek. Why was I crying?

Sebastian gently grabbed me by my shoulders, and turned me around to face him. I looked down, so our gazes wouldn't meet.

"Cutie," He said softly, tilting my chin upward. I refused to let him see me cry anymore, and jerked my head away.

Sebastian sighed. He leaned down, and planted a single kiss to my lips.

"Will you dance with me?" He asked. He moved my bangs away from my face, and looked into my eyes. I did the same, and smiled lightly.

"We most certainly aren't dancing in here." I said. Sebastian chuckled, flung his arm around my shoulders, and the two of us walked back into the dance hall.

Everyone was still there. Great. I hastily wiped my eyes in attempt to make it seem like I hadn't been crying, but I was sure it probably wouldn't work. Alois and Lizzie immediately rushed over to me, and Lizzie pulled me into a warm hug.

"Ciel, are you all right?" She asked. She hugged the crap out of me, and it was getting hard to breath.

"Y-y," I stuttered breathlessly. She giggled, and pulled away.

"Good!" She cheered. Then, Cheslock and Violet stepped forward, accompanied by Grell and Ronald.

"That was entertaining." Ronald said. Sebastian gave him a dirty look, and shoved the both of them in the shoulders.

"Did you guys fucking videotape it?" He demanded. Grell nervously slipped his phone into his back pocket, and ran his fingers through his short red hair.

"We also got the part where Claude gets busted!" He replied reassuringly. Sebastian rolled his eyes, and turned to me. Everyone in the room fell silent, as if waiting for what he would do next.

"Cutie." He said, walking closer to me. He took both of my hands in his, and smiled.

"May I have this dance?"

A visible blush heated my cheeks, and I smiled sheepishly.

"Of course." I answered happily.

Sebastian led me to the center of the room, and nodded at whoever was in charge of the music.

"I'm not good at dancing..." I mumbled under my breath. Sebastian leaned down to my ear, and his breath tickled my neck.

"Let me teach you, babe." He whispered, as a slow, romantic song began to hum through the speakers.

Then, I was suddenly swept into another world. Literally.

Sebastian took both of my hands in his, and pulled me close to him. Wrapping one hand around my waist, he took my other hand and slowly began to coach me through the dance. I have to admit, I was pretty embarrassed. Although, at the same time, I was overwhelmed with happiness.

"Just follow my lead." He said.

"What lead?" I scoffed under my breath, nervously trying to avoid the gazes of the crowd. I could hear Lizzie and Finny squealing, and Cheslock shouting random nonsense.

"OOH, CIEL, GET SOME!" Alois yelled. I cringed in embarrassment, my blush getting darker than it already was. Sebastian chuckled, and gave my hand a tight squeeze.

"I'll kill him for you later." He whispered. I smiled, and we continued our dance.

I accidentally stepped on his foot a couple of times, but luckily it went unnoticed.

Well, until Alois proudly pointed it out.

Other than that, everything was perfect. Sebastian was holding me close, and damn, did it feel nice. The song was pretty good and slow, and I was getting the hang of dancing. Eventually though, the song came to end, and the audience clapped and, shit, took pictures.

Sebastian smiled at me, and pulled me into a hug. I ignored all of the nonsense going on around me, and melted into that sweet, amazing scent of cherries on his tuxedo.

* * *

"Later!" Cheslock called. He disappeared into the woods with Violet. Don't ask me where they were going, because I hadn't the slightest idea.

Finny was courageous enough to take Lizzie home, and we said our proper goodbyes. It was quite the relief to be done with everything for the night, I must say.

"Yo." Alois said, strutting over to me and giving me a high five. He smirked at Sebastian, then leaned into my ear.

"If you two have kids, name them-"

"Hush." I hissed. Alois chuckled, and hooked arms with Hannah. With a wiggle of his fingers, he blew me a kiss and walked away. This guy reminded me too much of Grell, and it irked me.

Speak of the devil, he ran passed Sebastian and I with Ronald forever at his side. They flashed the middle finger at the both of us, and Sebastian gladly returned the greeting. I rolled my eyes, and patiently waited until we were both alone.

"Cutie." Sebastian turned to me, and took my hand. He walked me over to a nearby bench, which was perfectly illuminated by the moon, and nothing else.

Before I could say anything, he sat me down and kissed me firmly on the lips. Of course, I kissed back.

It was a long, but comfortable kiss. We knew that we both enjoyed it, and that we indeed loved one another.

But what we weren't aware of, at the time, were the long branches that made a perfect heart shape above our heads.

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