Young Love (Sebastian x Ciel) Chapter Thirteen

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This chapter may be a bit depressing, but on the bright side, I wanted to make it inspirational and emotional as well. I hope you learn a lot from this chapter. I can assure you though, this story will get pretty amazing. I have many plans in mind. Enjoy!

"What are Feelings Without Emotions?"

"...I was wondering if you would like to go to homecoming with me?"

I paused. I shifted the phone over to my other ear, and looked at Sebastian. He had a perplexed, expectant look on his face.

"U-um, homecoming?" I stuttered. I shot Sebastian a nervous glance, and began to rub the back of my head. What was I supposed to say? I didn't want to hurt her, but then again, I definitely couldn't ditch Sebastian. Although, I never realized that Lizzie might've liked me in that way. I sighed.

"Were you planning on taking someone else? Oh Ciel, I'm so sorry!" She replied sorrowfully.

"N-no, Lizzie-"

"It's alright, Ciel. I don't want to come between you and another girl. I'm sure she'll be very h-happy!" Her voice cracked on the last part, and without another word, she hung up. I felt horrible.

"She asked you to homecoming, didn't she?" Sebastian asked, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah, she did, unfortunately." I replied, looking down at the phone in my hands. There was a moment of silence.

"I'm sure she'll be able to find someone, right?" Sebastian insisted. I was surprised that he wasn't acting as if he didn't care about Lizzie's feelings. He seemed a little worried.

A loud noise caught our attention, causing the both of us to glance over to the kitchen.

"Did your back door just slam shut?" Sebastian said, slowly getting up.

"Probably just the wind." I said, completely lost in thought.

* * *

"CIEL!" A familiar, high pitched voice called. I glanced over my shoulder as I began to enter the front gate of the school, spotting Finny. He wildly sprinted towards me, waving his hand in the air.

"Finny?" I said. He stopped a few feet away from where I was standing, and bent down to catch his breath. He did so for a few minutes, then gazed at me with gleaming blue green eyes.

"Ciel, come quick! It's really bad!"

Finny hastily grabbed my arm, and darted towards the back of the school. I stumbled on my feet, struggling to keep up with him. Finally, we turned a corner, and came to screeching halt. I froze in horror. There on the wall, was a pretty graphic painting of what looked like Sebastian and I having intercourse. I literally couldn't process what I saw. How could someone be so cruel as to do such a thing?

"Ciel!" Another familiar voice, Cheslock. He ran to my side, and gaped at the image. I couldn't speak. My face was heated with anger and humiliation. Another figure appeared by be. I immediately recognized who it was.

"S-Sebastian? Did you make this?" I slowly turned my head to face him. His eyes widened, and he grabbed my shoulders.

"I wouldn't even freaking think of it!" He exclaimed. I narrowed my eyes. I could feel the anger and rage rising within me. Any time now, I would be the laughing stock of this damned school, and everyone would find out about Sebastian and I.

"I knew I shouldn't have done it..." I said to myself through gritted teeth.

"What, Cut-"

"DON'T CALL ME THAT!" I snapped. Sebastian flinched, and loosened his grip on my shoulders. I pushed them away, and took several steps back.

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