Young Love (Sebastian x Ciel) Chapter five

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"Dirty Little Secret"

The door of the detention room opened suddenly, although Sebastian didn't seem to care. He just casually pulled away from me, leaning against the wall. In walked Principal Red again, her hands on her hips and her heels clicking against the floor. She held open the door, and extended her left arm.

"Out you go boys, but remember, this is where you'll end up if you try anything funny." She said strictly, giving the both of us a hard glare. Sebastian smiled at me, then looked to her.

"Oh don't worry, we won't." He said nonchalantly, as if nothing had just happened. I was still frozen by the kiss, not bothering to say or do anything. Principal Red and Sebastian both glanced at me expectantly.

"You coming?" Sebastian asked, grinning from ear to ear. In all honesty, I just wanted to stay in the detention room and curl up in a corner. He was definitely going to tell everyone what he had done, and if not him, those two punks he was friends with. My heart pounded loudly out of my chest. I never thought I'd lose my first kiss to a guy.

* * *

"I won't tell anyone." Sebastian said, after a long moment of awkward silence. I walked a couple paces behind him, and he stared back at me. I looked the other way, and rolled my eyes.

"Yeah right. And what about...?"

"Grell and Ronald?" He asked. I paused for a minute, then nodded.

"Don't worry, if they tell a soul, they're dead." He assured me, chuckling. I didn't reply. He casually places his hands in his pockets and tossed his head back, gazing at the ceiling. I found myself gazing too, but not at the ceiling, at him. I must've been in some kind of trance, because he was waving his hand directly in my face.

"Take a picture, it lasts longer." He said, smirking. My face turned red and I immediately looked away. He laughed, and slowed down so he ended up right beside me. I flinched a bit, and looked down at my feet.

"Look, you don't have to be so scared. I see the way you look at me, I think we might just be falling for each other."

My head shot straight up. No way in hell was I falling for this guy, let alone the same gender. Or... Was I?

"Why would you think that?" I asked sharply. His eyes widened at my sudden words, but he relaxed a bit after a few seconds. He ran his fingers through his jet black hair, and smiled. The red on my face appeared yet again.

"Well, Cutie," He began. I cringed at the nickname.

"It's obvious that you-"

"Sebas-chan~!" A freakishly familiar voice called out. My heart sank and I silently prayed in my head that it wasn't who I thought it was.

"Hey Grell, hey Ronnie." Sebastian greeted, suddenly changing his attitude towards me. I looked down to my feet again, not bothering to make eye contact with those two freaks. I let out a heavy breath of air, and kept walking forward. Until, Sebastian grabbed the back of my collar, and roughly yanked me back to him.

"Dude!" I shrieked, stumbling into the wall. Grell chuckled, and put a hand on his hip. I rubbed the back of my head, and winced, looking up at Sebastian.

"What was that for?" I demanded, standing up straight. Sebastian rolled his eyes and turned to Grell and Ronald. My eyes widened.

'Why is he acting so differently now?'

I wondered to myself. I made an attempt to leave, but Sebastian shot me a crude glare. Feeling defeated, and rather confused, I stayed put, watching the three talk.

"So, this is your little toy, aye?" Ronald asked, folding his arms and smirking. I narrowed my eyes and looked away. They were wasting my time, and I had to get to class.

Sebastian looked to me and flipped his hair out of his face.

"Tch. No." He said bluntly. I paused, and gave him a sideway glance. What the hell was wrong with him? I was getting pretty impatient. Either he was bipolar, or I did something to piss him off.

"He's just simply adorable~!" Grell said, as he rushed over to me and pinched my cheeks. Irritated, I groaned and pried his fingers off of my face. He made a fake pout, and stomped over next to Ronald. This school had some pretty weird teenagers.

"Yeah, well I'll see you guys later. Usual place?" Sebastian asked cooly, looking to Ronald. The both nodded, gave Sebastian a simple handshake, then left. I sighed in relief, and lightly rubbed my cheek.

"So, cutie..."

"Cutie? Just a minute ago you were acting like an ass!" I said, a bit too loudly. Sebastian smiled, and grasped onto my hand. He pulled me out of the view of any security camera, and pinned me to a nearby wall. I let out a small gasp, and he began to suddenly trail kisses down my neck. I was shaking all over the place, and squirmed underneath him.

"Wh-what are you-"

"Shhh." He hushed me, then kissed me again, this time a bit lighter. He pulled away quickly, and I scowled.

"Let's keep this our little secret, alright?" He purred, looking right into my eyes. I froze, and just gazed at him. What had just happened in the past hour?

Sebastian smirked.

"Later Phantomhive." He said. The devil finally walked away, bumping into someone familiar as he left. He grunted, and disappeared down the hall. A blond figure came into view, and stood right in front of me. Everything was blurry, and I was trapped in a daze.




I snapped out of my trance, my eyes wide.

"Oh... Lizzie?" I asked airily, blinking a few times. She smiled and rolled her eyes, grabbing my hand.

"So what were you and that freak Sebastian talking about? Did he beat you up?" Lizzie asked, her tone a little to cheery. Although, her eyes showed slight concern, and I was about to open my mouth to confess everything.

'Let's keep this our little secret.'

His low, soothing voice crept into my mind.

'You know you can be a real brat, but I like that.'


I blushed, and shuddered.


"Nothing happened really. I'm fine." I replied simply. Lizzie nodded slowly, and looked on ahead. We both walked side by side down into the dim hallway. Lizzie hummed to herself, my heart pounding along loudly as the beat.

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