Young Love (Sebastian x Ciel) Chapter Eleven

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"First Date"

A couple of weeks had gone by since the cafeteria incident, and unfortunately, it was uneventful. But, Sebastian and I talked often, and he even apologized for the scene he caused. I asked him why he was so hot and cold; Loving to me one moment then hateful the next. He explained that he didn't exactly want people to know he liked me, so he put on an act. It made sense of course, but I was going to have to get used to it and play along. I got to know Violet and Cheslock a bit better, as well as Finny and another student, Mey-Rin. Alois on the other hand, still wasn't talking to me. He didn't attend school for a couple of days after, and I began to grow worried. I personally blamed Claude, although Alois probably thought it was my fault. And as for Claude, he still stalked me. Kind of like a spider, when you're just sitting down and it stares at you for what seems like a fucking eternity. I hated spiders, and I considered Claude one of them.

I was busy sketching in a random art pad I discovered in my drawer. I'm not much of a drawer, but I still like to do it when there's nothing other than piece and quiet.

"Heya, Ciel? It's Sebastian."

Or so I thought.

Sighing and reluctantly getting up from my comfort zone, I heard Sebastian knock quite a few times. He was kind of impatient, but I'm much of a hypocrite when I say that.

"Coming!" I called, tiredly walking out into my living room. It was a Saturday, thank God. I wondered how Sebastian knew where I lived, considering he'd only been near my house once. I thought about it, then decided not to question it further.

I scratched the back of my head, and opened the door. There Sebastian stood, in all of his glory. He held that same irritating smirk like he usually did, and his hands were resting casually in his pockets. I felt myself blush, mentally kicking myself for it. I gritted my teeth and waved at him, hoping he didn't notice my ridiculous red face. His smirk lightened a bit, then he leaned against the door.

"Hey, Cutie." He said. I couldn't help but smile, and I then realized how much I liked the nickname he'd given me.

"Hey." I answered back casually. Sebastian looked down at the ground, and shuffled his feet. He seemed uncomfortable. Something he never was.

"Is there something wrong?" I asked slowly, urging him on. His eyes darted around in several different directions, as he rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

"So I was um, kind of thinking, unsure if you'd be comfortable with it or not, but..." He spoke, fumbling with his words.

"....I just wanted to ask..."

"Yeah?" I said, growing impatient.

"If you'd like to go somewhere? Just the two of us, of course." He finally finished. My cheeks went a little more red, more than I ordered my cheeks to go.

"L-like a date?" I asked. Sebastian nodded.

"Something like that..." He said, chuckling nervously. I hadn't exactly expected him to ever ask me out. Sure, it was obvious he was attracted to me and all, and we've gotten to know each other, but I was under the impression that he was the rude type. You know, someone who suddenly starts molesting you, not bothering to ask you out or talk with you first. I felt myself shaking immensely, my palms were sweaty as I clutched my fists.

"W-well," I stuttered.

'Do I really want to date a guy? Is it worth it? What will everyone think?' I worriedly asked myself these questions. What about Lizzie? How will she take it? Will Finny and the others find out? But, this could be a golden opportunity to show Alois I obviously wasn't interested in Claude.

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