Young Love (Sebastian x Ciel) Chapter Eight

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A.N: Before we continue, I'd just like to thank all of you for the wonderful feedback! It means a whole lot! If you enjoy this story, please stay tuned for my next one: Victory - Attack On Titan x Reader. Annnnnd, possibly a sequel to Young Love! (If everyone enjoys it, and asks for more, that is. c;) I'm really excited about this story, I've got some big plans. Alright, moving on~! (Slight sexual content.)

"Man of my Dreams"

"Sebastian," I moaned, tossing and turning on the bed.

"Seb-Sebastian... Stop!"

Sebastian smirked, and began going faster... And harder. I grasped onto the bed sheets, fearing the moment he would finally come to his climax.

We were in a science room. Odd. Why was there a bed in the science room? And how did we even end up here?

Sebastian leaned down as he thrusted in, and pecked my lips. He then leaned into my ear. Licking it, he whispered in a chilling voice:

"You ready?"

That's when I jolted awake. I gasped for air, my breathing heavy and shaken. I looked down at my hands, and found myself grasping onto the sheets. Just like my dream.

"Are you kidding me?" I whispered to myself, clasping my face with my hands. I ran both of my hands upward into my hair, and looked around. My eyes fell on the clock beside me.

6:20 AM.

"Shit!" I cried, jumping out of bed. I quickly did my usual routine, the dream still lingering in my mind. It as so disturbing, I almost couldn't finish my cereal. Heading out for the bus with Lizzie, I cringed at the thought of Sebastian on top of me.

* * *

'Sebastian... On top of me?' I wondered to myself. I shook the thoughts out of my mind, but they eventually crept back. I gritted my teeth, and tried to focus on my work. Language Arts wasn't my best subject, and it didn't help that my thoughts were turning pretty vulgar.

"Mr. Phantomhive?"

My head jerked upward. All eyes were on me.

"Ah, yes Mr. Spears?" I asked nervously, rubbing the back of my neck. Mr. Spears, my language arts and enrichment teacher folded his arms and adjusted his spectacles. His sharp green eyes pierced into mine, and I sheepishly looked away.

"Who are you daydreaming about? Your lover?" He snapped. My face went bright red, and everyone began to chuckle. Even Lizzie did, who was also a bit red herself. I sank lower into my chair, wishing I could die right there on the spot.

'Damned teachers.' I thought to myself.

"N-no." I replied. Mr. Spears glared at me, his usually expressionless face stern.

"I've been told to put you into a different class for this period." He explained. I froze. It was true I was flunking language arts, and the teachers has discussed giving me an alternative, even if it was only the third day. I sat up a bit in my chair, and looked directly at Mr. Spears.

"Where?" I asked. Mr. Spears adjusted his glasses once more, and sighed.

* * *

"Science was my alternative?" I questioned, stepping into the science room with Princepal Red. She nodded and pursed her lips, holding the door open as I walked in. Everyone turned to look at me. The room was large, and there were eight long tables on both sides of the room. The walls were chipped and plastered with science and math posters. Surprisingly, there were no windows. I blinked, and glanced at the ground.

"Go. You'll be fine." Princepal Red reassured me. She smiled, and took to her leave. I closed the door, and glanced at the science teacher. She was a tall, pale woman with lavender eyes. Her white hair neatly reached just below her ears, and she wore a long, white lab coat. Her face was very angelic, and a smile graced her lips.

"Welcome. I'm Mrs. Angela. Please take a seat next to Mr. Michaelis." She greeted. I froze. She didn't mean, Sebastian, did she?

My gaze slowly drifted to the devil himself. Sebastian leaned back in his chair, crossing his legs on the table. He grinned at me, showing off pearl white teeth. My face ignited in red, and he seemed to notice. And to top it all off, Ronald and Grell were at the same table. Grell winked, Ronald smirked and adjusted his glasses. I nervously made my way to their table, and sat in the empty seat next to Sebastian. He grinned even wider, and shared glances with his two freakish friends. They returned the glance, and looked back at me.

"Looks like we'll be partners, Cutie."

"I thought you said you wouldn't use that name in public?" I whispered back. He shrugged, and rested his hands behind his head.

"I changed my mind." He replied simply. I sighed.

'This can't be too bad.' I thought. The rest of science passed by uneventfully, but the disturbing dream still held its place in my mind.

After some more boring lectures and theories from Mrs. Angela, the second hour bell finally rang. Sighing in relief, I grabbed my bag, ready to go. But, as the other students were filing out, Sebastian took hold of my arm. I looked to him, and he was frowning.

"Not so fast. Mrs. Angela said we can stay and help you catch up." He said. Was he lying? And by 'we', did he mean him and the two jerks that were grinning like idiots behind him?

"Oh.... Kay?" I replied slowly, setting my things down. I glanced around the room to find Mrs. Angela, but she was nowhere to be seen. I stared to wonder if I should drop their trust and leave, but my thoughts were interrupted by Sebastian putting his arm around me. A chill ran up my spine.

"What are you doing?" I asked. Grell chuckled, as did Ronald.

"Ciel, we just wanna get something over with," Sebastian answered, signalling for Ronald to do something. The yellow-haired freak nodded and ran to the door, locking it, and turning off the lights.

"Wh-wha-" Sebastian quickly spun me around, slamming me onto the table we sat. My heart began pounding out of my chest.

'This is similar to my dream..." I thought worriedly, as Sebastian pinned me down. Grell and Ronald stood at either side or him, their right hand on their hips.

"You don't know how long I've wanted to do this." Sebastian purred.

I gulped, and watched as Sebastian leaned in slowly.

-Extended POV change-

Jealously filled my heart, my mind, and my body. That lucky bastard Sebastian.

I ducked a little lower to make sure they couldn't see me through the small window of the science room door. I envied him. I envied him so much, and hated him, with a passion.

"That should be me." I hissed.

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