Young Love (Sebastian x Ciel) Chapter Fifteen

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"Guys and Tuxedoes"

The next week came by rather quickly. Homecoming preparations were being dealt with, people were frantically getting their outfits and dates ready. It seemed to be all everyone talked about. However, one small thing in the back of my mind nagged at me constantly. It was Elizabeth, being that she still didn't know about Sebastian and I, and that I declined her invitation to go to homecoming with her. I felt bad, I really did, but at the moment, Sebastian was all I could think about.

We stood outside a small, but expensive shop in town. It was known for every one of its stunning prom dresses and suits, as well as glittering shoes and wedding cakes. I had no idea why Sebastian pulled me to this place, because it felt really weird, gaping at the clothing inside.

"You'd look pretty damn hot in one of those tuxedoes. You'll be wearing one, right?" He asked slyly, nudging me on the shoulder. I blushed, and shyly looked up at him. He grinned, and ruffled my hair.

"I guess so." I replied, glancing at the black and white tux that stared back at me. Sebastian, however, would most likely look ten times better than I would. Just the thought of him in a suit made me...

"You're drooling, Cutie."

"Gah! Um, sorry I was..."

"Thinking about me?" He purred. We were standing right outside a public shop, so I prayed that he didn't do anything too immature. I sighed and smiled.

"Let's go take a look around this place." I said, stepping toward the door and opening it. Sebastian walked in after me, a small bell at the top of the doorway ringing as we found ourselves inside the shop. It was very tranquil and had a good scent. Relaxing music played in the background as well, and a few candles were lit here and there. The whole sensation made me want to go to sleep.

"Come 'ere." Sebastian said, ushering me towards him. He stood in front of a shining black tuxedo with a matching waist band, a small red rose attached to the breast. I slipped the fabric into my fingers, and looked the suit over a couple of times.

"I like this one..." I said, tilting my head and gazing at the tux. I'd never actually worn a tux before, but I wanted to see how it looked. Out of the corner of my eye, Sebastian stared at me, and I knew he was smiling. I blushed but kept my attention on the tux, trying my best not to let our gazes meet.

"Ciel?" I heard him say. I quickly glanced at him, then back at the tux.

"Mmhmm?" I asked. Suddenly, I felt myself being pulled away from the tux and behind a shelf of shoes. Sebastian brought my face in with his hands, and kissed me right on the mouth. I blinked several times and blushed harder, hoping no one would turn a corner and see us. I closed my eyes after a couple of seconds, and kissed him back. It felt amazing to be in a position like this, with the one person I loved the most. But I never thought a catering shop was romantic.

Sebastian pulled away after a few minutes or so, and hugged me. I hugged back, of course, but I was overall confused by his sudden show of affection.

"What if someone sees us?" I whispered. Sebastian chuckled lowly and pulled away to face me. He grabbed me by my shoulders and widened his eyes.

"You see the cashier over there?" He asked. I turned my head and glimpsed the cashier. Once again, I couldn't even tell what gender they were, but I suspected it was a boy, telling by his flat chest.

He was looking into a small pocket mirror, stroking his pink eyebrow as he did so. He had bright, bulbous blue eyes, long, curly pink hair, and a blue cashmere sweater. I cocked an eyebrow, and Sebastian pulled me back.

"He's gay." Sebastian stated. I rolled my eyes and he laughed, and we both continued on our tuxedo hunt.

* * *

"You sure that cashier was allowed to give these to us right on the spot? I thought we were just renting them..." I said, adjusting the large plastic wrap which held my suit in my arms. Sebastian put his arm around me, blowing a large bubble with his gum. He nodded and the bubble popped. I smiled.

"It's worth it, we'll look smexy anyway." He joked. I laughed, and slid one hand into my pocket.

"Homecoming in two days... Wonder who Alois is going with?" Sebastian wondered. I wondered the same thing as well, but I was also curious about who Finny and the others had chosen. I did know that Violet and Cheslock were going with a group of friends, though. Then I thought of Lizzie again.

"Yeah. What if Claude shows up?" I asked.

"I'll kick his ass."

I grinned this time, and glanced at the sunset alongside of us. Sebastian did so as well, and looked back at me.

"Thanks for um... Buying these, Sebastian." I mumbled sheepishly, looking away immediately. Sebastian hugged me tighter, the plastic in my arms crunching a bit.

"No need to thank me. A boyfriend who can't do that much, isn't worth his salt." He replied boldly.

"What the hell?" I asked, releasing more laughter. He smiled and ruffled my hair, something he always did.

We soon ended up in front of my house, and Sebastian stood in front of me. The sunset shone behind his jet black hair, causing an angelic aura to surround him. I blinked, as he stepped closer.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Cutie. I love you." He kissed my forehead and waved goodbye, taking his tuxedo with him. I smiled warmly and waved, turning in to go inside my house.

I opened the front door and shut it, locking it in the process. I realized I had left my phone on the kitchen counter, noticing the lit up screen. I set my tux on the couch, and took my phone in my hands. I had several missed calls from Elizabeth and Alois, along with a voicemail.

Opening the voicemail, I brought the phone close to my ear, and leaned against the counter.

"Incoming voicemail from: Elizabeth Middleford."


"Hey Ciel, I just needed to let you know that..."

There was a short pause, then she continued.

"Um, I know about you and... Sebast... ian."

I froze. Yeah, lots of people probably knew by now, but knowing Elizabeth, she'd scold me and flip out for sure!

"I-it's all okay though... I mean, Finny and I might go, but I just want you to know that I'm still your friend Ciel, and I..."

My breathing hitched, and I switched the phone to the other ear.

"I respect your decisions!" And with that, her voice cracked and the voicemail ended. The operator began talking, but I spaced out. She's going with Finny? She isn't mad?

I sighed and ended the voicemail. Then, another message emerged on the screen. It was an unfamiliar number. I opened it, and my eyes darted across the screen. It read,

"I still like you, Phantomhive. ❤️"

"Who the hell...?" I whispered to myself. I frowned at the corny heart emoji the unknown messenger sent. I paused, then read it again. And again. And again. There were only three people in particular who, "liked" me.

My boyfriend.


And Claude.

Subtract the two people who's numbers I already know, and what do you get? Claude. That's who. The jerk still liked me, but why?

Better yet, how did he get my number?

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