Young Love (Sebastian x Ciel) Chapter Seven

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"The Feeling Of Being Watched"

My breathing hitched and I quickly looked away from Claude.

'Maybe he's just in a daze.' I thought wishfully. I sure didn't know much about Claude, heck I didn't know much about Sebastian either. But Alois had explained to me a few things, like how Claude was a player, he was bisexual, and he was enemies with Sebastian. How he knew all of this, the world may never know.

Being that it was only my second day, and I didn't want to start anything, I casually slipped the crumpled note in my back pocket and looked to Alois. Luckily, he didn't notice Claude glaring in our direction. He was too busy asking someone if he could have their lunch money. I sighed and glanced around, hands in my pockets and bangs in my face. I thought I saw Sebastian looking at me, but I shook it off.

'I don't even know these people...' I thought to myself.

'How come I'm already getting friends? And an admirer? This never freaking happens!'

And it was true. At any other school I'd been to in the past, no one liked me. It was as if I was a nuisance, and my existence meant nothing to them. To this day, people seem to avoid me, but I guess everything does change in high school.

Suddenly, I felt a bump on my shoulder. I turned around, and nearly fell back onto Alois. Claude loomed over me, his face expressionless and his glasses tilted perfectly on the bridge of his nose. He just gazed at me, not a word daring to come out of his mouth. I blinked and awkwardly looked behind him. Boom. Sebastian was only two people behind Claude, watching the both of us like a hawk.

'Tch, what the hell.' I thought bitterly to myself, turning back around. But, I did so only to come face to face with a pretty pissed off Alois. His cheeks were bright red and he kept glancing at Claude.

Then back at me.

Then back at Claude.

Then to me.

Then to Claude again.

"It works, Alois, your neck, works." I said sarcastically. This seemed to annoy him, and he grabbed my hand and pulled me along ahead of everyone else in line. People were pretty ticked that we were cutting, but Alois didn't seem to care. He pushed passed a few guys at the front, and began to sloppily put food on his tray.

"Ciel, why was Claude behind you? He wasn't there earlier!" He whispered, almost a little too loudly. I blankly looked at him, not bothering to grab any lunch.

"Gee I dunno, he wanted to eat?" I asked. Alois rolled his eyes and pulled me along again, as he made his way to the salad bar.

"Of all people, he decided to get behind you," He spat the word 'you' as if it were poison in his mouth. I nervously glanced around, hoping the devil himself wasn't listening, as well as Sebastian. They both seemed like demons to me, to be honest.

"So? I don't even know him!" I said quietly. Alois shrugged it off, giving me a sideways glare. I rolled my eyes and followed him to a table on the right of the lunch room, where Elizabeth and Finny were sitting. We sat down, and Alois began to dig in.

"So Ciel," Elizabeth said, looking up from her food.

"You were kind of acting weird yesterday, are you alright?" I lowered my gaze from hers. Finny and Alois looked at me expectedly, as if I had an answer they were waiting to hear. I didn't bother straightening my posture, and I blankly looked at all of them.

"I'm fine." I replied, looking from Finny to Elizabeth. She wasn't buying it.

"Oh really?" She asked, a hint of suspicion in her voice.

'She knows?' I wondered. I slightly panicked on the inside.

"Ciel I know what happened." Elizabeth said, putting her hand on mine. I flinched at the touch, and pulled it away.

"Y-you do?" I stuttered. She nodded almost sympathetically, and her eyes locked with mine.

"You forgot to go buy new underwear."

You can't imagine the ridiculous giggle attack Alois had.

* * *

All throughout the day, I felt as if I was being watched. We all get that feeling, but I'm not usually one of those people, considering my current rank in life. It bugged the living crap out of me, but I let it go several times. Then, I seemed to grasp back onto it.

It lingered throughout fifth and sixth period, then finally when school ended, it seemed to stop. I relaxed a bit, and accompanied Lizzie on our way home.

"Odd, wouldn't Alois be walking with us right about now?" She wondered, putting a finger to her chin. It was a little out of the ordinary for him, but he seemed pissed at me so I didn't mind.

Shrugging, I replied,

"Yeah, but he's been acting weird with me-"

"HOW?" Lizzie squealed, jumping in front of me with a worried look on her face. I jumped back at her reaction, and widened my eyes.

"Calm your tits, it's just Alois." I replied. She blushed at my comment, then straightened her poise and folded her arms. She frowned, and looked at me.

"I'm just worried for you, Ciel. You and Alois are getting along so well!"

I shrugged and continued walking.

"It's whatever, I'll catch you later." I said, pushing passed her. She called my name, then gave up. I heard her walking in the direction of her house, her boots clicking loudly against the pavement.

I looked up at the blue, cloudless sky. I soon drowned myself in my thoughts, looking out for my house. Suddenly, the feeling began to creep in again. That feeling. That feeling of being watched...

I heard some rustling nearby, it sounded like something of a bush or tree being tampered with. I paused.

'Probably just a rabbit.' I thought to myself.

"Hey cutie." The rustling stopped. I turned around, and my gaze fell upon Sebastian. My face heated up and I inwardly cursed, praying he would leave or at least not make a scene. He flipped his jet black hair and rested his hands in his pockets, smirking that annoying devil-like smirk of his.

"What do you want?" I snapped.

"Hm. First you forget to meet me, and now you're acting sharp." He replied. I could hear the hurt in his voice. Then it hit me.

"Wait, I..." I reached in my pocket and pulled out the note that he gave me at lunch. I then remembered. It wasn't like I felt bad or anything, I mean, what if he wanted to rape me or something? I read the note a couple of times, cringing at the thought of Claude. Sebastian walked up to me, pricking the note from my hands with his two fingers. He grunted as he read the note, and tossed it aside on the sidewalk.

"There's another pair of eyes on you. Sebastian here doesn't approve." He seethed, stepping closer towards me. I took several steps back away from him, suddenly hitting something hard. I looked behind myself, and realized I was pressed against my own mailbox.

"Look, I have to go." I said quickly, as I turned around and ran into the safety of my house. I locked the door, and collapsed on the couch. I peered out the window. Sebastian was still there, eyeing my yard and where I had been standing. After a few minutes, he left, and I breathed a sigh of relief.

-Extended POV change-

I slowly approached the note on the sidewalk Ciel's little friend had tossed. I picked it up, and opened it. Reading the words, I grimaced, and stuffed it into my pocket. Walking away, a small smile graced my lips.

"You have it coming for you, Phantomhive."

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