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Janey concentratedon the ledge where she wanted to go; she relaxed her body and sawherself sitting on the ledge looking back at the council. Then therewas a rush of heat through her and when she opened her eyes, she waswhere she had envisioned herself to be!

"How did I dothat?" She called to them.

Zelistuck flew toher and sat beside her. "Thehow is hard to explain, but basically what happened is that youblinked out of this timeline and into another one where you werealready here, then blinked back into this one."

"Is alltrans-location actually time walking?"

"No. That isunique to you."

"Unique to me...can I travel into the past or future ... distant past or future?"

"I don'tknow, only you can remember if that is so."

"I get the sensethat I can look but I can't affect anything, except the moment I'min right now."

"That was verygood, Janey. Did you find it difficult?" Scathniorasked.

"Notparticularly difficult just a bit surprising and now I'm hungry."She answered and her stomach growled.

"Then I thinkit is time for you to go back. You have been here many hours our timebut only a few minutes your time." Manechoanswered her.

Janey climbed ontoZelistuck's back where she was after bowing to the council andZelistuck flew her back to her house.

"Do not rushinto your body. Sit on the edge of the bed then gently align yourselfwith the way the body is oriented, slowly slide back into it, likesliding under the covers, trying not to disturb them more thannecessary."

"OK" Janey laydown to line up with her body and scooted back. There was a tingle,then darkness, and then she opened her eyes and sat up, feeling very,very heavy.

"Is the feelingof heaviness normal?"


"So ... just myspirit has a weight but the body is so much denser that coming backinto it feels like coming out of the water after a long time."

"That's avery good analogy, Janey."

"I'm going tothe kitchen for a banana."

Once her bananawas eaten and she had brushed her teeth again, Janey crawled backinto bed and was asleep in moments. Her dreams, however, were mostlyabout being a dragon and the amazing things she could do. She woke upexcited and looked for Zelistuck. Not seeing her, Janey called softlybut only in her mind. The dragon appeared in her little size on thefoot of her bed.

"What do youneed this morning?" Zelistuckasked.

"Were my dreamsof being a dragon only dreams or memories?"

"Likely theywere memories. I don't read your mind all the time and certainlynot when you are asleep. Some thoughts should be private." Thelittle dragon said very seriously.

"Ok, justchecking. I have an exam today so I won't be thinking of you or theother dragons until after school."

"I may not behere all the time, either. I'll be getting some instructions fromthe Council." Zelistuckanswered.

"OK. I'll seeyou after school then." Janey smiled and got dressed for school.

"Did you sleepwell, dear?" Her mother asked when Janey sat for breakfast.

"Yes, like alog, why do you ask?"

"I heard you getup about an hour after you went to bed."

"I was reallyhungry for some reason and came down and got a banana."

"Oh ... it isunusual for you to eat late at night."

"I know butafterward I went right back to sleep and slept well."

"Ready for yourhistory exam?"

"As ready asI'll ever be. I think I have this one, though. We've beenstudying World War Two and I think it was pretty interesting so I notonly read every word in my book, I really hung on Mr. Smith'slectures."

"You always dofairly well in history, Janey. I'm not worried." Her mom smiledand finished her own breakfast.

A seat on the busagain in the morning and Janey had a good day at school. At lunch herfriends were still talking about her party. In gym they played fieldhockey and her team won. Brenda asked her if she was going to tennislessons today but Janey begged off with the excuse of a visitor athome. Brenda didn't pry. There was no seat for her coming home,though, Janey didn't really mind. She was keyed up thinking aboutZelistuck.

Janey was nearlyfinished with her homework when Zelistuck came back.

"What news?"Janey asked her little friend.

"Can you gooutside today without raising any suspicions?" Zelistuckasked.

"Yeah, I'malmost finished here. Where are we going?"

"Will yourparents be angry if you go into the woods?"

"No, I'm inthere all the time. I have a little camp near the creek."

"That would beperfect. We have some work to do."

Janey finished herhomework and took her jacket downstairs.

"Mom, it's apretty nice day, I'm going to the woods for a while. When isdinner?"

"Your dad shouldbe home at six thirty. Be back by six, please?"

"Ok. See you atsix." Janey called and walked out the back door.

Janey's backyard was not fenced in but the grass ended at the edge of a four milewooded area. Janey ran to the end of the yard then walked down thetrails until she came to her little camp. She wasn't even thinkingabout Zelistuck or the dragons; she was enjoying the sights, soundsand smells of the woods. Autumn was always a happy time for Janey wholoved nature very much. When she reached her little campsite,Zelistuck was sitting on a rock in the sunlight. Her hide sparkledlike she was made of jewels.

"Am I asbeautiful as you are, when I'm in dragon form?"

"You arebeautiful in your own way, Janey. But you are not a Locus dragon."

"So what are wedoing out here?"

"Levitation butnot of yourself, of objects."

"They want me tostart this so soon?"

"Lifting anobject is similar to lifting yourself, but you have to focus on boththe object and where you want it."

"Let's startwith small things, like a leaf."

"As you decide;sit and make yourself comfortable."

Janey picked agood spot, one where she often sat with her back against a warm,smooth rock. In front of her, a few inches away, was a beautifulmaple leaf, golden and green along the veins.

"I'm going tostart with this maple leaf, where do you want it?" She said toZelistuck.

"Bring it tolie on my nose." Zelistuckchuckled.

Janey concentratedon the leaf, breathed herself relaxed then closed her eyes andenvisioned the leaf floating gently toward the dragon and landing,balanced, on her nose.

It seemed to takea long time before Zelistuck told her to look. The leaf was sittingsquarely on the dragon's nose but the edges of the leaf appeared alittle singed.

"Why does itlook burned?"

"You put toomuch effort into controlling it. Do it again with another leaf butrelax a little more." Zelistucksaid as she shook the leaf off her face.

Janey's nextattempt was much better. She could feel the difference in how hardshe tried and they did several more experiments with heavier andheavier objects. By the time it was getting time to leave, Janey waslobbing eight ounce stones into the creek twelve feet away.

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