Plan of Action

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Judith wasinstalled in their room before the assembly. Mr. Hanson waited untilall two hundred kids and fifteen adults were in the room and thentold the staff to close the doors.

"Ok, many of yousaw the events that happened this morning with the run away car. Manyof those who saw also saw, for just a second, what appeared to be awall that stopped the car and several of you saw Janey Richardsondrop unconscious just as the car came to a complete stop. Yes, MissRichardson saved you all, yes, she has a psychic ability calledPsychokinesis or PK for short and NO you are not to hound her fordemonstrations or answers to your weird questions. We're probablygoing to have to deal with reporters and I don't want ANYONEtalking to reporters. Do I make myself clear?" He almost shouted.

A chorus of "yes,sir" flooded the room.

"I'm going tocounsel with Janey to make a formal presentation explaining what wecan of her abilities, when it is finished I'll have it posted inthe library for anyone to read. Please be considerate of Janey'sprivacy and how hard high school really is. Don't approach her onthis subject. Janey isn't any different than she's always been."Was all he had to say before he let the kids back to their rooms andto bed.

The next day was a"free" day for the students to wander, buy souvenirs or chill inthe hotel. Mr. Hanson cornered Janey by the hotel pool and theyworked out a statement for the public and the rest of the school.

"I think thiswill keep the interference in your life to a minimum, Janey. But beprepared to find out just how many of your school mates are alsopsychic. Now that they know there is one person with "weird"talents as a public figure the rest of the kids who think they may bepsychic will be seeking you out." Hanson warned.

"Alreadystarted; Jason has precognition. He told us at dinner last night."

"I'm surethere will be more."

"No doubt. Doyou think the school will let me have a classroom if I have enoughkids wanting to learn? I really don't have space at home for morethan maybe three at a time."

"I'll lookinto it for you, Janey. I'm very proud of the way you are takingthis so calmly."

"Thanks, Mr.Hanson, but there is no sense in getting upset about it. Stuffhappens and you either accept it and learn to flow with it, or you gocrazy. I've been "weird" since I can remember. I'm not crazyyet." Janey smiled.

 "You are verywise for one so young, Miss Richardson, very wise indeed." Mr.Hanson said and then excusedhimself to type up the statement.

"You are verywise because you are not so young and you are a dragon besides."

Zelistuckcommented as she lounged in the sun on the chase next to Janey. Italmost hurt Janey's eyes to look at her as the sun reflected offher hide as though it were actually made of gems.

"I'm going toassume that dragons are nearly immortal, since they're really onlyspiritual beings ..."

"Nearly, but wedo have a life cycle it is just very, very long by human standards."

"Just how oldam I; in human terms?"

Zelistuck turnedher faceted head and looked hard at Janey. "I'mnot sure here is the right place to tell you that, I perceive youwill ... freak out, when I tell you."

"That old?"

"Let me saythis ... when the Love walked the earth in human form, you were theequivalent age, as a dragon, of one hundred as a human."

"Wow! Dragonsmust live really long lives by human terms."

"Yes, and atthat, you were barely an adult."

"Do dragonshave names for the stages of life and how do they determine them?"

"There arehatchlings, younglings, adults and great wyrms. A hatchling is anydragon that has yet to learn to fly or swim depending on the species.A youngling is any dragon who is still learning the basics of being adragon. Young dragons, though they may be born with all theirmemories from previous incarnations are rash, impulsive, clumsy andirrational at times. One is an adult until one is ancient then youare called a Great Wyrm. Most species of dragon never stop growing.Great Wyrms are the largest of our dragons."

"Then Scathnioris not yet a Great Wyrm?"

"No, she isnot, though she is very, very old in your terms."

"Make acomparison for me?"

"Um-m-m ... sheis older than the star you call the sun."

"And she isn'ta Great Wyrm yet? How old is Belgestra!?"

"He waspresent, as an adult, at the "big bang"."

Janey physicallyreacted to that. Her mouth dropped open and her eyes grew huge whilestaring at the "empty" chaise next to her. Luckily for her, Nancywas the first to see and quickly sat where Janey was staring, whichbrought her out of it.

"What did shetell you?" Nancy whispered.

"What? Who?"

"I'm assumingyou were talking to your dragon guide who was here on the chaise, youlooked like you'd just swallowed a boiled egg whole so she musthave told you something alarming or unbelievable." Nancy was stillwhispering.

"Oh ... yeah ...I asked her how old the head of the dragon council was and she saidhe was an adult at the moment of the big bang."

"Jeepers! Aredragons immortal?"

"Not really, buttheir lifespan is ridiculous compared to ours. We're barely abreath to them."

"Why are you soimportant, Janey do you know?"

"The councildidn't actually say anything about that, this first visit, but I'mnot the only dragon incarnate on the planet."

"Wow ... Iremember reading somewhere that dragons are shape shifters but tothink there are dragons walking around looking like ordinary humans ...that's a trip!"

"Yeah, well,keep it to yourself. Being psychic is hard enough I don't wantanyone else knowing I'm also a dragon in human flesh."

"I never heard athing." Nancy said and touched her hand and smiled.

Nancy was thefirst person to know, outside her own family, that Janey wasdifferent. They were playing by an ancient tree in Nancy's yard oneday when they were three and Janey asked Nancy if she ever playedwith the little Indian girl who was there.

Of course Nancycouldn't see her but Janey told her all about the girl and theybegan including her in their play. One day, when they were five, thegirl came and told them goodbye. She said her mother was there forher. Janey told Nancy that the two disappeared into a nimbus of lightwhich faded slowly after they walked through. It was the first timeJaney had transitioned a spirit to the next realm. Nancy neverthought Janey was "weird" and she never told anyone, not even herown parents, about the Indian girl.

Nancy kneweverything about Janey and liked her anyway; treating her like shewould any other person. Janey's special abilities were justsomething about her, not something to fear or hold in awe.

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