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Gail did herresearch with Janey sitting right beside her. They not only looked upeverything they could about his company which was called "NextFactor" but everything they could about Magnum Frost himself. Hewas an investment genius, third behind Warren Buffet in wealth inAmerica. He had more philanthropic outreaches than the Roman church,and it seemed that "Next Factor" was all about education and theadvancement of science. Nothing publicly could be found about hisresearch into the paranormal but there was plenty about his successesin treating "untreatable mental" problems. He had advancedthe science of psychology by years in the ten that Next Factorexisted. Publicly he had lambasted the psychiatric industry for druguse on developing brains, he said there was no excuse in the worldfor treating children with drugs that behavior modification trainingwas all any child needed and his "showcase" example was a youngman who as a child of four was diagnosed as "schizophrenic and asociopath" he'd been heavily drugged until he turned eighteenwhen, because he was a ward of the state they turned him loose on thepublic. Within six months out on the street, having been in and outof psych units his entire life, he committed a heinous crime and wasimprisoned. He didn't belong in prison, he belonged in a trainingprogram, Frost insisted. He got a decree of habeascorpuspassed for this boy, got him into his own treatment and in two yearsthe young man, now thirty years old was completely cured of his"mental illness" and was a contributing adult in society and oneof Frost's own trainers.

"Mom, we'regoing to have to talk to his people, like he suggested."

"But how do weknow that any of those phone numbers are real people and not actorsor his stooges?"

"Mrs. GailColman, when did you get so suspicious of people?" Janey asked her,only half joking.

"When some'man-in-black" walks in here and wants to take my only childaway." She answered Janey in total seriousness.

"Mom, I know youare a little bit sensitive to unseen things. Does this guy creep youout?" Janey asked softly with her hand on her mother's arm.

"No ... noactually he doesn't ... I'm not sure why I'm so suspicious.Decatur is a long way from here. I guess I'm just being a mom."

"Well, maybe forthe first couple of visits he'll let you come with me. I mean, I'ma minor so he has to have your direct permission, right? If he onlywants you to sign a release to his temporary custody don't do it.Make him take you with me."

"That is anexcellent idea. Now, the real question is do you want to go?"

"Well ... hedoes creep me out. He's hiding something, but when I shook hishand, he telepathically told me he's special like me. That he wantsto protect us all. So he knows something he's not telling."

"Ok, that tellsme you don't trust Mr. Frost, but what about the center?"

"Let me ask Zelher opinion."

"Who is Zel?"Gail sounded confused.

"My dragonguide, Mom. She has a name and it is Zelistuck but she doesn't mindthat I call her or talk about her as only Zel."

"Oh, yes, thedragon. Do you think she'd ever show me what she looks like,perhaps in a dream?"

"I'll ask herthat too." Janey smiled.

For Janey thefinal authority turned out to be the entire council of dragons, notjust Zelistuck.

"So, this guywants me to join his company, first as a trainee then maybe as atrainer, but he's hiding something from me." Janey told them.

"I have watchedthis Magnum Frost for a long time."Wu Fujiyama began."What he is hiding, Janey, is that your government first wants toknow what they're dealing with and there are many in thegovernment, I will admit mostly the militant and fundamentalists, whothink all psychics are dangerous. He did not want to alarm you but hetruly is trying to protect what he sincerely believes is the nextevolution in humanity."

"Does he knowabout the Indigo, Rainbow and Crystal children?" Gelasked.

"Yes. He istrying to find all of them, a difficult task as so many of theRainbow children were born behind the Iron Curtain and although theCommunist block no longer exists the nations are still in turmoil;probably why so many Rainbows are there." Wuanswered her.

"Would I be inany real danger, before I'm eighteen if I work with this guy?"Janey asked.

"The likelihoodthat your government would move against the psychics is not high forthe next twenty to twenty five years, Janey. But if your training orthe people with whom you train pose a threat, we can not say."Trayciksaid with a voice that still reminded her of her grandfatherRichardson.

"So is youradvice to take advantage of the training opportunity or avoid thisman?" Janey still wasn't sure what they were saying.

"Beloved, gowith this man. His heart is in the right place, and he needs yourspecial eyes to see clearly what lies ahead." Manechofinally said softly.

"What liesahead? I'm not a seer."

"I speak ofyour ability to read people so well. Much can be discerned ofpeople's motives from what you observe. You have always been a veryastute dragon."

He answered that.

"I know you'vesaid you don't like to interfere, but if this turns out to bedangerous for me ... will you help?" Janeywas feeling very insecure right then.

As this councilwas not private there were nearly three hundred other dragons in thecave. A roar went up that she heard with her spirit ears but also inher mind of most of those three hundred dragons stating a version ofthey'd appear if they needed to.

"Wow! Thanksguys!" Janey said to the crowd, many of whom were lashing theirtails in frustration.

"The populacehas spoken for us, Janey, but you have our assurances, we will notleave you in danger you can not control by yourself." Scathnior'ssweet voice assured her.

"Ah ... that isa distinction I hadn't counted on. Well, hopefully if there is anydanger I'm up to the task." She answered as she stood up from thehassock.

"And I willalways be near, as near as my name in your mind." Zelistucktold her and covered it with a lot of caring emotion.

She told her momto call Frost on Thursday and tell him she'd go but that mom had togo with her, at least the first time.

"I hadanticipated this, Mrs. Richardson. We have a lovely room prepared forthe both of you. You'll be staying in the Country Inn and Suiteshere, it's a lovely hotel, and many of our visitors stay there asit is close to the facility. There will be a chauffeured car for youand Janey and if I am not there all the time, myself, one of mysenior trainers will give you a tour. There may be time for you andJaney to do a little shopping or sight seeing, on me, as well."

"The hospitalityis appreciated, Mr. Frost, but not necessary."

 "I am not tryingto "buy" your cooperation, Mrs. Richardson, I have money to burn.It is only a thank you for considering my offer."

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