Finally, Through the Looking Glass

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Magnus Frost foundthem in the dining room, just finishing their dessert.

"Have youenjoyed the tour?" He asked as he motioned to an empty chair askingif he may sit with them. Gail took her purse off the chair andnodded.

Magnus Frost wastall, really tall, and slim but muscular. Janey figured he had to beabout six feet and four inches tall. He had sandy hair and kind eyesbut his mouth, at rest, was either sad or angry, she couldn'tdecide which.

Gail answeredfirst. "I was a bit surprised to see key card locks everywhere.Will Janey be locked in all the time?"

"No, Janey willhave her own key card for the areas to which she will be allowed.There are areas in the complex where certain people are not allowedand there are areas where we can't chance visitors. Those areashave nothing to do with Janey. We have dangerous psychiatric patientshere, also one of the businesses run from this facility includeddisease control and we have a section with contaminated animals thatmust be kept under lock and key." Frost answered her candidly.

"Are you doingindependent research or for the CDC?" Janey asked.

"A little ofboth, I would venture. When there is a need, we lend our findings tothe CDC immediately, but some of the research is into diseases withwhich they are not overly concerned. One of them, Janey, is felineleukemia. It isn't rapacious enough to alarm the CDC but anyone whohas owned a cat that died of it, feels just as bereaved as loosing afamily member or a relative. Besides if we can defeat FelineLeukemia, maybe we can defeat human Leukemia as well."

"But felineleukemia is a virus isn't it?"

"Yes, but theway it acts on the body is the same as human leukemia. We arethinking that what will treat and cure the cat may work on humans aswell."


Gail spoke upagain. "Will you ever take Janey's cell phone away?"

"No, of coursenot. I want her to call you every day she's away and no one willmonitor her calls. Gail, I don't want you to worry. Janey will betreated like a V.I.P. As long as she wants to work with us."

"I haven't metanyone else in the psychic program, yet. Will we today?" Janeyasked.

"Yes, right nowif you are finished with your luncheon." Frost smiled.

They left therestaurant and Frost led them down a corridor they hadn't yetexplored, carded a locked door and held it open for the ladies. Thishallway wasn't hospital white, it was painted a pleasant beige-pinkand they could hear the sounds of happy kids coming from some of therooms.

"This trainingfacility is divided into age groups. We have some promising childrenas young as four and into adult hood. Your group, Janey is all teensfrom eleven to eighteen. Right now we only have six in residence."

"Any of thesekids live here all the time?"

"Not many of thechildren do but the adults some of them are permanent residents andtrainers for the younger kids."

"I might becomea trainer here some day?"

"If you'dlike; we may give you some skills as a trainer from the start as Iknow you have been asked to train your classmates."

Gail asked "Justhow is it that you know so much about Janey?"

"Research ...well, you might call them spies. We did our research around Janeybefore we contacted you. I discovered her through the article inPsychology Today magazine. Even though the woman who wrote thearticle did not give Janey's name or address, the incident inWashington was heavily commented on and I discovered her school fromthat."

Gail kept herpeace after that.

Frost led them toa large room painted a happy sort of orange/yellow where there werefour other teenagers and a bunch of tables and equipment for whichJaney had no clue their purpose.

"Guys, I wantyou to meet Janey Richardson." Frost announced as they came in.

The four otherchildren, two boys and two girls, were sitting in a circle of beanbagchairs and all rose and turned when they walked in. A dark hairedgirl with a medium dark complexion came to Janey first and put outher hand for a shake.

"Hi, I'mCarmella Diego." She smiled.

Next one of theboys, a tall blond introduced himself. "Sven Torenssen. I'm fromNorway." He introduce with a pleasing accent and a bright smile.

"I'm JamesChancellor." The dark haired boy said from the circle of seats, hedid not offer his hand.

"And that'sKate Sheppherd. She's shy." Carmella said pointing to a sad facedredhead.

Janey looked atKate critically and said softly "She's not really shy, she'sbeen abused."

Carmel only lookedto Frost who nodded his head.

"You can readpeople? Cool!" Carmella whispered back.

Janey smiledwarmly and waved to Kate who shyly waved back.

"What else canyou do?" Carmella asked.

"I'mpsychokinetic, I read people, I'm telepathic with cats, I can cowerany animal, I speak to the dead and my guardian spirit, and I canteach psychic development to others." Janey answered her, instantlycomfortable in Carmella's company.

"You alreadyteach?" Sven was amazed.

"Well right nowonly my neighbor up the street and my best girl friend. But myguidance councilor at school told me I'll probably end up with abunch of kids because he thinks my school is full of awakenedpeople."

"That is sorighteous! My school is full of sheeple, even the adults." Carmellasaid with distaste.

"Sheeple?"Janey asked because she'd never heard the term before.

"People who actlike sheep, following where they're led and not thinking forthemselves." Carmella answered.

"I get it, sheepplus people, equals sheeple. Cute!"

"I didn't cointhe phrase but it's accurate and I hate them for it." Carmellasaid with considerable distaste.

 "In Norway, Iwas better accepted than were Carmella and James and Kate but it isso hard to do anything with psychic skills in Norway. Too rigid. Mr.Frost rescued me and brought me to America. I'm an "exchange"student living with a wonderful family here in Duluth, I go toregular high school with their son and I'm having the time of mylife." Sven almost tripped over himself explaining.

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