Part 23 My Sister, My Friend

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Nancy called theRichardson house to see if Janey was doing alright.

"Better thanalright, Nanc, I have a new sister!" Janey said excitedly.

"You what?"Nancy was totally stunned.

"One of theother psychic kids at the institute was really badly treated beforeFrost found her and she's agreed to come stay with us. She's aghost whisperer like me!"

"Oh, em, gee,Janey! Two whisperers in the same block! So, aside from PTSD how isshe? Smart? Pretty? Spill!"

"Why don't youcome over and find out for yourself?"

"But you weren'tin school today; your mom won't let me."

"Let me ask, itwas special circumstances that I didn't go."

"I should comebecause I have your books, even if she won't let me stay."

"OK, you startwalking over and I'll let you know how long you can stay when youget here."

Nancy couldn'tget to the Richardson house fast enough. She was so excited to meetJaney's "new sister" and worried if the girl would like heranywhere near as much as Janey did.

"Hello Mrs.Richardson, I have Janey's homework and books. May I stay a while?"She greeted Gail at the door.

"Yes, Nancy, sheand Katey are in the family room downstairs." Gail smiled.

"Thanks!"Nancy said and bounced down the cellar stairs.

"What'shappening, chicas?" Nancy quipped as she came in.

Katey immediatelyjumped behind Janey and peered at Nancy over Janey's


"Katey, chill,this is my best friend in the entire world, Nancy Fisk. She won'tbite."

To Nancy Janeysaid "Just stay cool and your usual cheerful, logical self. Don'tre-act to her shyness."

Nancy sat in herfavorite chair and just smiled. Eventually Katey came out from behindJaney.

"I promise Idon't bite and I'm probably the most level-headedfourteen-year-old you'll ever meet." Nancy said softly withoutlosing the smile.

Eventually theycould both see Katey relax.

"Katey is partof the program with Mr. Frost and she didn't really have a home soMom agreed she could live with us for a while." Janey explained asshe rolled up the video game dance mats.

"I think you aregoing to like it here Katey. Our town has a few really nice featuresfor kids, some beautiful secluded spots that Janey and I both knowreally well, too."

"Because Kateyis very empathetic, mom's going to home school her until we canhelp her shut most of the emotional noise out. She's a grade behindus for now so she'd be in Jefferson anyway, not with me." Janeyexplained as she sat down between Katey and Nancy.

"What's yourfavorite subject in school, Katey?" Nancy asked.

"I'm not sure... school has always been painful for me, because of all the otherkids."

"Is theresomething that really catches your mind to the point you can filter alot of the stuff out?" Nancy asked again.

"Um ... sciencelets me get lost in it. And ... I can get lost in art, too, if we'renot doing something emotional to begin with. When we would do stilllife drawings, everyone else would get calm."

"That's reallycool! I can help you! I love science and I'm good at it and Janeycan tell you, I'm a passable artist."

"Yeah, Nancy isgreat with anything that involves her hands. She draws so you knowwhat it is but she's even better at pottery."

"I've heardthat working with clay can be very soothing. Mr. Frost suggested Itry pottery at the institute. We hadn't started yet."

"Katey, workingwith clay is a very organic experience. You have to become one withthe clay, in a manner of speaking. From the rough stuff to finishedproduct your hands are in the clay or the slurry constantly. Longsessions with clay can dry your hands out pretty badly, but it's alot like gardening ... you and the dirt or you and the clay it'slike the earth is talking to you. I make some very unusual pieces,I've been told, but it's because I do what the clay wants."Nancy explained softly.

There was silencefor a while then Katey said, very softly. "I like Nancy, she hascalming abilities."

"Yeah, I knowthat. Nancy and I are the only two people who have ever in her lifeheard our one friend Caroline silent for five minutes. Caroline hasAsperger's Syndrome, which is a type of Autism, and, seriously, shenever shuts up, unless she's with us. We calm her mind, she says."

"You havecalming ability too, Janey, but it's more than that. I don't knowwhat you have been doing but I'm not as agitated since I startedcoming here as I was before. It's only been a couple of days and Ifeel stronger already."

"You've onlytold her about your abilities?" Nancy inquired.

"Not even all ofthem."

"You two share asecret. I can feel it." Nancy answered. "Katey, you communicatewith the dead. Can you see them?"

"See them, hearthem, smell them, touch them, feel their emotions, you name it."Katey responded sadly.

"Well, ghostsaren't the only creatures without material bodies." Nancyprovided.

"I know. Thatpretty little dragon has been with Janey all the time."

"You can seeZelistuck?" Janey was surprised.

"Yes. I couldfrom the moment you walked in the training room door."

"Is that why youstayed so far away?"

"No, she told meshe wouldn't hurt me. It was because you and Aunt Gale werestrangers and I didn't want to feel your emotions."

"Where is Zelnow?" Nancy asked.

"Where shealways is; unless she wants to be bigger. She's always on Janey'sright shoulder."

"I can't seeher all the time; my abilities are still taking baby steps." Nancyprovided.

"Well, perhapsseeing non-corporeal entities is in its infancy with you, but you'vebeen reading people since you were tiny. You're almost as good atit as Janey is."

"But that'snot psychic, that's observation."

Katey smiled atthat. "Not entirely, Nancy. You have telepathy you just don'tknow it."

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