Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

It's five o clock in the morning

Conversation got boring

Said you're going to bed soon

So I snuck off to your bedroom

I thought I'd just wait there

Till I heard you come up the stairs

Pretend that I was sleepi-

"H-hello?" Why was my phone going off at 3am?

"Is this Zena Woodward?"

"Yes, may I ask who is calling?"

" I am calling from the King George Hospital. You're parents have gotten into a serious car crash and are in critical condition."


"Hello? Miss Woodward? Are you still there?"

I couldn't form words. All I could do was hang up and sprint for my car.I didn't care that I was going 50 over the speed limit, and surprisingly, I didn't get pulled over.

When I finally got there I almost knocked over an elderly couple bursting through the entrance.

" John and Margret Woodward!" I almost screamed at the receptionist.

" Room 317-"

That was all I needed. As I sprinted down the hall I faintly heard her yell that my parents were sharing a room with another patient. What? I couldn't have heard her right.

I hadn't she a single tear yet but when I saw my parents I started bawling. I felt my legs go numb and I stared to fall. I probably would have gotten a concussion from hitting my head on the floor if it wasn't for a strong, warm pair of arms that caught me and led me to a chair. I couldn't see who they were through all my tears and when I tried to thank them I just started crying harder.


When I woke up I was confused for a minute. But then it all came back. My parents had gotten in a car crash and probably will die. I couldn't cry. I literally couldn't cry. My eyes were all dried out from crying so much last night.

Where was my dad? I could have sworn he was here last night. Suddenly a doctor walked through the door.

" I see you're up Miss Woodward."

"Where is my dad?"

"That is one of the reasons why I am here. Unfortunately, he passed while you were sleeping."

"Oh" I couldn't think of anything else to say. So I studied the design on the floor.

"But! On the brighter side your mom should be waking up in the next couple of days."

"Oh" Again, I couldn't thing of anything to say. The doctor probably thought I was mentally challenged or something because I could only say one word.

She stood there for a couple minutes, but she finally left. When I looked up five pairs of eyes were staring at me.

" I'm sorry about your father," said the one with light brown hair.

" I am too. I don't know what I would do if I lost my father," said a blonde with an Irish accent.

"Niall! Shut up!" hissed the light brown haired guy.

Why did that name sound so familiar? And why did they look so familiar?

Then it hit me. They were the boy band my friend Caitlin wouldn't shut up about. They were One Direction.


So! That's the first chapter!

What do ya think???

Please don't be mean...this is my first story.

Oh and does anyone get the Room 317 part???

Huh? Huh? Anyone?



Well I hope you enjoyed! I will try to get the next chapter up as soon as I can...but mainly if people read it.

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