Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Harry's POV

Time for operation Take Down Mandy. I had gotten up early and watched her head I to the woods. I was going to ask a couple of them to 'get firewood' with me, while Niall and the others were going to 'look for water'. Yeah, we're very creative with plans. I think I shall have Zena and Louis come with me. Well, it's time to get up in the morning, (in the morning), we've got MacDonald’s' breakfast for you (or any other brand). Hah. Great song.

I walked into the middle of camp with a blow horn and yelled "GET UP!!!" There were multiple screams and lots of rustling, which is what I was going for, so I was pleased to say the least.

Out stormed a very angry and scary looking Zena. Her black hair, which was normally straight and glossy, was all messed up, ratty, and dull. Her green eyes were filled with hatred and annoyance, but mostly hatred. I wonder what caused that. *cough* *cough*

She stood there with her menacing eyes looking up at me and tapping her foot.

"Good morning, love!" I cheered.

"GOOD morning?!" she asked, raising an eyebrow. "You dare to call this a GOOD morning?!"

"Erm...yes?" I asked.

"You freaking idiot! You woke us up by yelling into a blow horn and you don't even have breakfast ready! This is not a good morning!!!" she screamed at me, and starting to smack my chest. I grabbed her wrists and laughed at her struggles. “Harold! Let me go!”

“Not until you apologize for hitting me!” I said.

“I have nothing to apologize for! You should be the one apologizing, mister!” she shouted back.

“And why is that, madam?” I asked cheekily.

“Oh, I don’t know…MAYBE BECAUSE YOU FREAKING WOKE ME UP FOR NO REASON!!!” she screamed in my face, yet again.

“Ehm, well, if you two are done flirting…we have things to do,” Niall said looking at Harry very strangely.

“Right. So, Louis and Zena, you guys are coming with me to get firewood. Zayn and Liam, you are going with Niall to get more water from a stream or something. Everyone got the plan? Good. Lets go!” I grabbed Zena and Louis and we trudged off into the forest.

“So, firewood?” Louis asked.

“Uh, yeah, why?”

“We have a whole stack back at camp,” he said.

“Erm, n-no we don’t,” I stuttered.

“Actually, we do,” Zena said, taking Louis’ side.

“Heh, no, you guys must be seeing things,” I said, quickening my pace. Now where had Mandy gone? She has to be around here somewhere, and she couldn’t have gone far because she left only about five minutes before the rest of us. There was rustling and quiet talking a couple hundred meters in front of us. “Let’s look over here!” I said, going in a diagonal path so we would be kind of behind them so they wouldn’t see us.

“But that only has bushes,” Zena pointed out.

“Well, we bush branches are always good for starting a fire,” I said in a whisper.

“Why are you whispering?” Lou asked.

“No reason,” I whisper-lied.

“Then why are you still whispering?” Zena asked in a normal talking voice.

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