Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Zena’s POV

So, here I am with Harry Styles, searching for supplies to try and survive so we can save my friend all during a zod apocalypse. Great, just great. Ugh! I can’t believe I got paired up with Harry! All this guy does is flirt! HE HAS DONE ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO HELP! I have found food, clothes, water bottles, shoes, and bags. He found silly string claiming that we could use it to tie up the zombies. Yeah, like that would work. I can’t believe Liam let me be paired with him. He should have known all Harry would do is flirt with me!


“Okay, let’s go look for supplies,” Liam said as we all headed out.

“Wait! Should we split up to collect things faster?” Zayn suggested. Hey, that’s actually a pretty good idea.

“Yeah, who wants to go with who?” Liam asked.

“I'll go with Zena, Liam can go with Niall, and Louis and Zayn can go together! Agreed? Agreed! Let’s go Zena!” Harry said grabbing my arm and starting to walk away.

“Wait!” I yelled. “Liam you can’t let me go with him! You know he won’t do anything!”

“Eh, I’m sure it will be fine. C’mon Niall, let’s go,” he said smiling. Jerk.

***End of Flashback***

My parents started this whole zod apocalypse thing. I had finally accepted it. Yeah, great, when I meet new people after this is over I’ll be like ‘Hey what’s up? My name is Zena Woodward and my parents started this whole apocalypse mess! Nice to meet you!’ Yep, I’ll have a whole bunch of friends.

“Hey! Zena! Come look at what I found!” Harry yelled excitedly. This better be good. I swear if he finds another can of silly string or a package of silly bandz I will leave him here to fend for himself while I go and save my friend, if she isn’t already dead. No. Don’t think like that Zena. She is a smart girl. She can look after herself. Ugh, I just need to rest.

“Zena? Are you coming?” Harry asked.

“Oh, yeah,” I said losing my train of thought. I didn’t even notice I was spacing off until he started talking. “What did you find?” I asked, more or less interested.

“I found,” he paused for a couple seconds.

“What are you waiting for? Show me!” I practically screamed at him. I was not a very patient person and I absolutely HATE surprises.

“I found car keys, jeez, calm down.”

“That’s great Harry!” I tried to sound excited. “But, we already have Niall’s car why do we need another one?”

“Well, Niall never fills up the gas tank and it’s about to break down anyway…so, I FOUND US A NEW CAR!” he said with a big grin on his face exposing dimples. He looked kinda cute when he's happy, I smiled to myself. Wow, I can’t believe I’m letting myself think these things. Maybe I'm sick, yeah, that’s probably it.

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