Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Zena’s POV

“They’re still out there,” I said pulling the curtain back in place.

“Ugh, we’ve been hiding in here for the past THREE DAYS! WHEN WILL THEY LEAVE!?” Harry groaned. “What do they even want with us?”

“I don’t know, but maybe we should find out,” I suggested.

“Are you crazy?! We can’t go out there, they’ll kill us!” Zayn protested.

“If they wanted to kill us they would have done it already,” I said.

“Well, that’s sure comforting,” Harry mumbled, sarcastically.

I have been stuck with these loons for the past three days, without and other female contact because Mandy decided to turn us in to her boss, Dracula. His ‘minions’ have been camping outside the trailer that we have been hiding in and haven’t left once. This means, we only have food and drinks from inside the trailer, and….we have to share a bathroom. Sounds like fun right? Wrong. Niall has eaten almost all of the food. The bathroom smells terrible. Louis WILL NOT stop pulling pranks. Liam just mopes around, and Harry either complains every possible second, or tries to get in my pants. Oh, what a wonderful world.


“Huh? What?” I looked to the right to see Harry right in my face and personal bubble.

“What do you want Harry?” I groaned.

“You,” he smirked.

“NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS, STYLES! Leave me alone if you don’t have anything interesting to say.”

“We’re all hungry and Niall has eaten all the food we have.”

“Are you kidding?!” I screamed.

“No, actually I’m not. Niall ate all of it,” he replied.

“Well, we were going to have to go out sometime, better sooner than later.”

“Are you actually saying we are going to go out there and be captured?” Liam asked walking in the room.

“Yes, let’s pack up out stuff and leave when it’s dark,” I replied.

“We’re leaving?!” Louis screamed joining the conversation.

“Yes, pack anything and everything we might possibly need and set it by the back door,” I instructed. They each scrambled off in their own direction, so much for being One Direction.

Zayn’s POV

“Zayn,” someone whispered, poking me. “Zayn, wake up, it’s time to leave.”

“Go away,” I mumbled.

“No, we need to leave, come on, get up,” they pestered.


“Don’t make me go get Louis to wake you up,” they threatened.

“Alright, alright, I’m up!”

“Good, let’s go!” I just now realized it was Liam who was disrupting my beauty sleep. I glare at you evilly, mister.

Harry’s POV

“Okay, so this is the plan,” Zena said, “we go out into the forest, as QUIET as possible, and try to find some town or something to find out where we actually are,  then see if there are any non-zods to help us get Caitlin,” she explained. “Okay?”

“Sound like a plan!” Zayn

“Great!” Niall.

“You make GREAT plans!” Harry.

“Will there be carrots involved?” Louis.

“Caitlin…” Liam.

“Aw, Liam sweetie, come here,” I cooed, pulling him into a hug. “We will get her back, don’t you worry.”

Suddenly we all froze. There was a knock on the door.

“Hey! Um, I was just wondering when you were planning on coming out, cause you can’t stay in there forever y’know,” mystery man said.

“Don’t you tell us what we can and cant do, you imposter!” Louis shouted, bringing out his sassy side.

“Shhhhhhhh!” we all shushed him.

“Be quiet! We need to SNEAK out, not make a scene!” I scolded.

“He was telling us what to do!” he complained.

“Just be quiet and go out the door!” I whispered.

“Alright! Lets do this thing!”

Oh jeepers, this was going to be and extraordiNARRYily long adventure….




But here is somemore sprinkles and frosting so I hope you enjoyed it! :)

Anyway...just a filler chapter :/


If you haven't read Call Me Maybe it would really mean a lot if you did go read it! And also go read 'Martin Jeffers' by UntilTheEnd7!!!

I hope you enjoyed this and please continue to keep reading!!! :)


~The Cupcake Queen

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