Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

We were in the hospital room for hours, nothing was happening, and I was getting really bored. Liam and Caitlin were flirting, Zayn was admiring himself in his mirror, Niall was in the cafeteria probably ridding them of all the food they had, and Louis and Harry were in the halls somewhere most likely causing trouble. I was starting to fall asleep when Louis and Harry came bursting through the doors screaming and giggling like little school girls.

They were so loud I hit my head on the wall behind me from sitting up too quickly, Caitlin fell out of her chair, Liam almost jumped out of his chair and onto the table beside him, and Zayn dropped his mirror shattering it on the floor. Poor boy, he won’t be able to admire himself until he leaves this horrid place unless he wants to stay in the toilet the rest of the time. Hah.

“What the hell?!” screamed Liam.

“What?” said Harry smiling like a maniac.

“You know what!” he exclaimed. “You can’t just barge in here screaming your heads off! This is not our flat! This is a freaking hospital!” I think he is actually going to burst from anger. His face is as red at the poisoned apple the witch gave Snow White.

“Sorry,” Louis apologized. “We just got bored so we decided to steal some of Niall’s food while he was getting toppings and he started chasing us. Which reminds me,” Louis said while walking to the door and locking it.

A few moments later something hard hit the door. We all had confused expressions until Niall started screaming insults from the other side of the door.

“Louis Tomlinson! Open this door right now or I will murder you in your sleep!” Niall screamed with rage.

“I’m sorry Nialler, what was that? I couldn’t hear you,” Louis said casually like this happened every day. Based on what I have seen in the last couple of hours, I wouldn’t be surprised if it actually did.

“Open this door or I will give your carrots to homeless people and sell your toms on eBay,” Niall said quieter but with every ounce of rage he had before.

That made Louis freeze. You could practically see Niall grinning through the door; he knew he hit a nerve.

“You wouldn’t dare,” Louis said with a little squeak in his voice.

“Oh I would,” Niall replied with an evil tone in his voice. “Open the door now, and none of that will happen.”

Louis walked towards the door very slowly and dramatically. What was with him and making big scenes? I mean honestly, he yells almost everything he says, he likes making big entrances, and he attracts attention like flies and road kill. He slowly put his fingers on the lock and took a deep breath.

“Boobear don’t do it,” Harry said with fear in his voice.

“I’m sorry Hazza, I love my carrots and toms too much,” he said with a pitiful look on his face.

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