Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Louis' POV

"So, I was thinking..." I said, but then paused for dramatic effect.

"What are you waiting for, mate?" Niall asked.

"He's pausing for dramatic effect," the curly-haired boy said. I smiled to myself, he knew me too well.

"You know me too well, Haz."

"Are you going to tell us you plan or not?" Liam asked rather impatiently. Sheesh.

"So, we get 100 pounds of carrots, throw them at the zombies, and escape with Caitlin!"

"No! Louis! That wasn't our plan!" Zena exclaimed.

"No! Jimmy protested! There is nothing wrong with my plan! It is amazayn!" People these days... Don't appreciate their carrots.

"Our plan was to get a vehicle and watch to see where other zombies go. If they all head to the same place we should find Caitlin. If, s-she i-i-isn' know."

"A zombie? It’s okay to say it, mate. YOLO!" I said happily.

"Okay, who wants to go next?" Liam asked.

"We will!" Harry said. "Zayn and I were thinking we could find other people that are hiding out and maybe they could help us get Caitlin back."

Very interesting, but SHTUPID! My plan involving carrots is by far the best.

Liam’s POV

Both of the plans are brilliant. They haven’t heard mine and Niall’s plan yet, and we still need to vote, so it still has a chance…maybe.

“Niall and I were thinking that we could collect things needed for survival like food, water, blankets, tarp for shelter, things like that. We would stay here for the night then in the morning head out to look for some type of vehicle or vehicles so we could split up if needed. After getting those, come back here and head in the direction the zombie went with Caitlin-”

“I think we should call the zombies something else besides ‘zombies.’” Louis plainly stated.

“Like what Lou?”

“I think we should give them all their own names but just in general we should call them ‘Zods’.” He seemed pretty happy with coming up with the idea. Although, I have no clue why.

“Why Zod?”

“Because I like Superman and ‘zombie’ and ‘Zod’ both start with the letter ‘z,’” Louis said defensively.

“Okay then, as I was saying, we would follow the zomb-”

“Zod,” Louis corrected me.

“Zod, and then if we find clues follow them until we find either more of them to hopefully lead us to Caitlin or until we find Caitlin and then get as far away from there as possible.” Yep, that was our plan. I personally think it is brillim. Haha too funny…too funny.

Why was everyone so silent after I finished sharing my plan? Was there something wrong? Was it something I said?

“That is actually a brilliant plan, Liam,” Harry complemented me.

“Thanks, but Niall helped with it too,” I tried giving some of the credit to Niall but of course he wouldn’t accept it.

“Ha! No I didn’t! That was all you Li!”

“So, whos plan?”

“I VOTE FOR LOUIS’ EXTRORDINHARRY CARROT EXTRAVAGANZA PLAN OF AWESOMENESS!” Louis screamed. He wasn’t even sitting by me and my ears were still ringing. I feel bad for Zena; wonder what her ears are like right now. Don’t even want to think about it.

“Louis we are not doing your carrot plan!” we all shouted at him.

“Fine then,” he went to the corner to pout.

“I think we should do Liam’s plan,” Zayn said.

“Yeah, I agree,” Harry said.

“Sound the most reasonable,” Zena.

“Okay then, its decided, we are doing the ‘Liam plan of surviving and collecting people by the name of Caitlin,’” Louis had come back to us.

“Okay, lets go look for supplies,” I said and we all headed out.

Unknown’s POV

“Okay, lets go look for supplies,” the one who looked like the leader said.

Hmmm, they were actually trying to save someone. How sweet. Guess I need to keep an eye on them.


I'm soooooooooooooooooooooooooo sooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry! I meant to upload yesterday but I didn't even have it started and I was spending the night at a friends house so i started writing it there but i kept getting distracted and I finally gave up and finished writing it today.

It's a short chapter because it is mainly a filler chapter.

Who do you think the 'unknown' person is? Do you think they are good or bad? Zod or human?........or neither???? Let me know in the comments!!! Also, let me know what you think of each of the plans! :)

Sorry i updated so late! :(



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