Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Zena’s POV

“Help,” Zayn whimpered. Why was he all wrapped up in the the curatins?..

We had no idea what had happened. We were gone for two seconds and the boys had managed to throw a painting off the wall, smash the glass table, and get Zayn tied up in the window curtains.

What the…?

“What happened?!” I hollered.

“Well, you see…,” Louis started trying to explain it in the most reasonable way, “ well-”

“The doctor came in,” Liam explained cutting Louis off, “looked at your parents, screamed, then sprinted out of the room and slammed the door on the way, which caused the painting to fall off of the wall. That scared Zayn so he yelped and kicked a chair into the table while flying back into the curtains managing to somehow get himself tangled.”

One awkward silence later…

“Okay, well, where are my parents exactly?” I asked noticing they were, yet again, gone.

“Oh, right, well-”

This time Harry cut Liam off. “Your dad took a bite out of the doctor’s neck then your mom tried to eat his hand,” he said trying to hide a worried smile.

“Then they jumped out of the window causing terror all around while running into the streets like mad people,” Louis said in an excited voice.

“Which,” Liam shot Louis a glare, “is not true of course.”

“So, if they didn’t jump out of the window and they didn’t eat the doctor…where are they?” Caitlin asked very confused. I think this was too much information for her to handle at one time. She was never good with processing things that are important. I think her head if filled with too much song lyrics and rumors.

“No no no, that part is true, the part about them being mad people isn’t true,” Zayn said trying to convince himself of that fact. He was still squirming around in the curtains trying to get himself untangled. Niall went over to try and help him.

“Is this going to be like the movie Zombieland?” Louis asked overly excited yet again.

“I’m too young to die!” Caitlin cried, tears streaming down her face. Liam went over muttering soothing things to her to try and calm her down. That never helped.

“Caitlin snap out of it! This is no time to cry,” I yelled at her. They all stared at me like I was crazy yelling at a crying person. She immediately snapped out of it, they looked impressed. There was really nothing to extraordinary about it, I always did that when she cried. “Are you saying my parents are zombies?” I asked changing the subject.

“If Niall becomes a zombie we are all doomed,” Harry said trying to lighten the mood. “He would eat everyone, including the other zombies. He would be a double cannibal!” Harry exclaimed proud of himself for thinking of such a clever statement.

“Hey!” Niall said in a very hurt voice, “I would not! But, if I do become a zombie you will be the first on my list to eat!”

Wait, are they really talking about zombies like this was all real?! I must be dreaming. Maybe my parents never did get in a car crash. Maybe they did and I fell asleep in the chair. Maybe I had lost my mind and was in a mental hospital and I am going to die in a week and my last wish was to go through a zombie apocalypse with One Direction and my brah Caitlin. Maybe this was all real… No! What am I thinking?! Zombies don’t exist anywhere but in movies and little kids’ nightmares. I tried to convince myself that Louis was playing a prank and somehow convinced everyone else to go along with his plan.

But, what if they weren’t lying?


OOOOOOHHHH! CLIFFHANGER!!!!!!! I LOVE TO WRITE THEM but NOT to read them so i am terribly sorry... :(

This is kind of a filler chapter so, thats why its really short.

I hope you liked it!

And as always...............



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