Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Harry’s POV

“She’s gone.”

I was in complete shock, and then I started to fire questions at Louis. “…what?! Why?! How?! Since when?! Where is s-” I was cut off by sobs that were louder than before coming from the kitchen.

“Let's go down there and we will explain everything to you,” Louis said trying to calm me down, which by the way wasn’t working to well. But, I agreed and headed into the kitchen wanting an explanation for what had happened this morning. We all stood there for a couple minutes waiting for someone to say or do something.

“So…,” I said rather impatiently. Louis said they were going to explain so what was taking them so long?

“We need to go look for her,” Liam and Zena said at the exact same time both trying their best not to sob.

“Before we get into what we need to do, Harry needs to be filled in on what happened this morning,” Louis stated.

“Thank you,” I said in a rather annoyed voice.

“Well, I woke up to Caitlin screaming for help,” he then went through the whole story one step at a time explain what had happened when each boy showed up, “and now we are here.”

“Well,” Niall said slowly, “I think we all can agree that we need to look for Caitlin, but, where do we start?” he questioned. “We don’t have any clues and none of us even actually saw what happened, we just know that she is gone.”

“We need to think of a plan,” Louis said in a somewhat excited voice. He had always loved making plans. He was a man of action.

“Okay, let’s all split up into groups of two and think of plans,” there was Daddy Direction shining through, “then, in ten minutes meet back here and we can share our plans and vote on which one is the best. Okay? Okay. Who wants to pair up with who?”

Zena’s POV

“I CALL ZENA!” Louis screamed at the absolute top of his lungs. Jeez, that boy needs to take a chill pill. I don’t know how these people can handle him.

“But I wanted to be with you Boobear,” Harry whimpered.

“I’m sorry Haz, you know I love you.” Awwww, Larry Stylinson moment!!!!! I know I might not be a fan of One Direction but I do know what Larry Stylinson is. I’m not THAT out of the loop.

“But I really wanted you to be my partner.”

“Next time, okay?” Louis said with a smile on his face.”

“I guess,” Harry replied trying to hide a smile. Louis opened up his arms for a hug. Harry walked straight into it.

“Awwww,” I cooed. They all looked at me weirdly. “What? I can ‘awww’ all I want, come on Lou,” and with that we all went to plan-making mode. I went with Lou, Liam went with Niall, and Harry went with Zayn.

“So,” I said, “what should our plan be?” he had been staring at the ground for a couple minutes with a look on his face that made me think he was constipated. He might have been thinking too hard. He looked up with a brilliant smile flashing his pearly whites at me.

“I have a brilliam idea.”

Liam’s POV

I can’t grasp the idea that she was actually gone. I mean, I was going to ask her to be my girlfriend. I wanted to chase after her but Zena stopped me telling me that it was no use and Caitlin wouldn’t want me getting lost to. She was talking about her like she was dead. She very well could be for all we know. We don’t even know what or who took her. We didn’t know what was out there and we didn’t know if she could survive or not. I mean we are going through a BLOODY ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE. She could be turned into a zombie. No… I can’t let that happen. I need her here with me. This truly can’t be hap-

“Hello?” an Irish accent said, “earth to Liam!”

“What? Sorry, just thinking,” I mumbled.

“Yeh, so was I, but I’m actually thinking about a plan to help save your girlyfriend,” Niall said with a big grin, trying to lighten up my mood with the last bit.

“She isn’t my girlfriend,” I growled back.

“Yet,” he mumbled.

“What are you implying? She doesn’t even like me,” I shot back.

“Pfft, of course she likes you! She kissed you and she slept and cuddled with you on the couch! If that isn’t having a crush on someone, then I don’t know what is,” he said.

“She only slept on the couch with me because she was told to! And she didn’t kiss me, I kissed her!” I snapped. I immediately wished I could take it back. I could see the hurt and shock in his eyes. He was very fragile and I know he was only trying to make me feel better. “I’m sorry,” I apologized, “I know you were only trying to help. I’m just in a bad mood at the moment.”

“I know mate, it’s okay,” he said with a big smile on his face. I loved this leprechaun to death. He was the sweetest boy I have ever met.

“Okay, plan time,” I said changing the subject. “What should we do?” I asked because, to be honest, I had no idea.

“Umm, maybe we that wouldn’t work..we not that wouldn’t work either,” he started talking to himself. The only time Niall did this when he was thinking hard about something really important. I’m glad he cared so much about this, I smiled to myself. Then my brilliant and amazayn idea hit me. I looked at Niall with the biggest smile I had had all morning, actually the only smile all morning.

“Why are you smiling at me like a creepy murderer from a horror movie?” Niall asked with a worried look on his face.

“I have the best plan ever!”

Zayn’s POV

Harry had just finished telling me his idea. It was quite brilliant to be honest. I don’t think anyone came up with a rescue plan as great as this one. Maybe Louis and Zena, but definitely not Niall and Liam. They were the worst at coming up with plans. We should probably have had different partners. Oh well, we have an awesome plan.

“Yes, I think that just might work. How many minutes has it been?” I asked.

“Oh, you know, about 17,” he said casually.

“What?! Seventeen minutes?! Why haven’t they come to get us yet?! What if they got eaten by zombies?! What if they died?! I’m too pretty to die!” I rambled. I couldn’t die. I’m too young, I’m too pretty, I have barely lived my life! This couldn’t be happening!

“Zayn, calm down, maybe they just lost track of time like us,” he said with a smirk on his face. Oh, I guess that makes sense. Ten minutes wasn’t very much time to come up with a plan.

“Yeah, let’s go look for them,” I said and we both stood up and walked out of the room.

All of them were just getting done too, what great timing on all our parts. We sat down in a circle in the middle of the living circle.

“So, who wants to share first?” Liam asked.

“WE DO!” Louis exclaimed. Of course he does.

“Go ahead,” Liam said with a curious expression on his face.

“So, I was thinking…” Louis started to explain.


So? Whatdaya think???

Leave a comment on who you think Zena should end up with.

I'm SOSOOSOSOOOOOOOOO sorry it took so lonf to update. I have just kinda been busy...even thought I don't have a life outside of Wattpad :)


Harry's hair was very styled today                         AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHA SEE WHAT I DID THERE?!?! Harry Styles....Harry.....styled




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