Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

That thought kept rattling around in my mind the rest of the night. I didn’t even notice what time it was until Zayn, who had managed to get himself untangled, suggested we all go back to someone’s flat, get some rest, and talk about this in the morning. We were all knackered so we didn’t hesitate to agree. My apartment was too small so we decided to go back to Niall’s flat (since he had the most food).

I barely made it to his car without passing out. Once we were all inside and ready to go, we were on our way out into the possibly zombie-infested world. Oh what fun.

Every time I blinked my eyelids would stay closed a teensy bit longer, until, eventually, I blacked out.

What? Where am I?! Whose car is this? Why do I feel someone’s arm around my waist? HAVE I BEEN ZENANAPPED??? NO!!! THIS CANT IS HAPPENING!!! AHHH! I HAVE TO ESCAPE! Wait…



I was in Niall Horan’s car with Caitlin AND One Direction themselves, heading to Niall’s flat to sleep, then talk about how my creators are NOT zombies in the morning when we are all up and have delicious food in our stomachs like bacon and sausage and pancakes and waffles and scrambles eggs and hash browns and French toast and cinnamon rolls and Nando’s and all the other yummy foods that you could ever think to dream of. Yeah, no biggy. Just a normal day in the life of Zena Woodward. Yep, just gunna go with that.

Whoever I was cuddling with was really warm and smelled really good. He smelled like heaven and lollipops and all things that are good.

“Are you smelling me?” Zayn asked me with a smirk on his adorable face. Wait! What was I saying?! I do not like the Bradford Bad Boi!

“Psh, no, I…have allergies,” nice save Zena. You really need to be more careful about what you are doing.

“Yeah, okay,” he said smiling at me.


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