Chapter 17

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It had been a couple hours since we left the trailer and there had been no signs of anyone following us, thankfully. I really don't know what we would do if we were being followed. There are so many things that could go wrong it's almost funny. Well, there's really only one thing: we would be captured, but after that there is no telling what would happen. It looks like the sun was starting to rise, maybe we should take a rest break.

"Hey guys? Do you want to rest for about an hour or so?" I asked.

"Please! My feet are bloody killing me!" Niall complained.

"Okay, well let's find a good place to stop," Liam advised.

"We could camp outside that cave over there," Harry suggested.

We all looked to where he was pointing. There was a big cave surrounded by trees, bushes, and it was built into a hill. Overall it looked like a pretty nice place to stay for a couple hours. It could provide shelter, and we could start build a fire for warmth.

"Why don't we just go inside the cave? It looks like its going to rain," I said.

"Haha! Funny one, Zena!" Louis started cracking up.

"Uhm, I wasn't trying to be funny, Louis," I replied, slightly confused. I thought my idea was reasonable, but I guess not.

"Wait, you ACTUALLY want us to go in there?!" he exclaimed.

"Yeah, I don't get what the big deal is."

"We could die!" he yelled, like it was the most obvious thing ever.

"How could we die? It's just a cave." I was still confused, and I think Louis has officially gone crazy. Well, crazier than he already is.

"Oh, I don't know, there could be bears, or zods, or even Bigfoot in there!"

"Louis, you're just letting your imagination run wild. First of all, Bigfoot is just a myth. Second, bears don't live around here. And lastly, we haven't run into any zods since we found Mandy," I explained.

"Yeah, well that could be their hideout! And Bigfoot is too real!" he pouted.

"Would it make you feel better if someone went and checked it out?" I asked like I was talking to a child. Which, I kind of was.

"Maybe," he replied.

"Okay, so who's going?" Niall asked.

"Nose goes!" Louis shouted. "One, two, three!"

Everyone touched their nose, except for me, who had no idea what was going on.

"Guess you're going, Zena," Zayn said.

"Chickens," I muttered under my breath, walking towards the cave.

"I'M not a chicken! I'm a rooster!" Harry shouted at me.

"Oh, really?" I raised my eyebrow, "prove it! Come check the cave with me!"

"'s d-dark in t-there," he whimpered.

"Either come with me, or be declared chicken for life!"

He scurried over the come walk with me. I gave him a big, toothy smile. He smiled sheepishly and started walking into the cave. It had a sparkling ceiling, with crystals all over it and even going down the walls. The floor was as smooth as polished marble, and felt like a pool of cold water (which felt really nice, if you were wondering). We ventured further in until we got to the back, which was about fifteen it twenty feet from the entrance.

"Wow," Harry breathed.

"Wow is right," I agreed. "This is so beautiful," I whispered.

"Just like you."

"Cheekiness wont get you anywhere, Styles," I said.

"Really? Cause it seems we are closer than we were before," he smiled, his dimples on full display.

He was right. Before we were a couple feet away, and now we're almost touching. How did I not notice this? I mean seriously, he is practically breathing on me. Wait, he's getting even closer! Stop! Harry, stop! Why am I not doing anything? Maybe because I don't want him to stop. Wait! Of course you want him to stop. Do I? Ugh! This is so confusing!!!! Closer. Closer. Closer...

"Maybe we should head back so they don't get worried," I rushed out, stopping Harry. Why did I stop him?!

"Uh, yeah I guess," he said, very awkwardly I might add.

We were about to head out when we heard a noise coming from somewhere in the cave. It sounded like something walking around. It sounded like something with eight legs.... a spider? Any normal spider wouldn't make that much noise, in fact, they wouldn't make ANY noise.

"You hear that too, right?" Harry whispered.

"Yup," I replied.

"What do you think it is?"

"I think it's an S.O.U.S.," I whispered, looking for a reaction.

"What the heck is an S.O.U.S.?!"

"Spider of unusual size, obviously. Haven't you heard of those before?" I asked.

" I don't think most normal people have."

"Are you saying I'm not normal?" I asked, raising my eyebrow.


"Rude," I muttered. I hadn't even noticed but we were starting to talk louder, and the monster thing must have heard us because it was eerily quiet.

"Harry," I whispered. He just nodded his head like he knew what I was thinking.

"It's quiet, too quiet," he said narrowing his eyes. Then he started laughing hysterically.

I thumped him on the forehead to shut him up. Then he looked at me with confusion on his face, and his nose scrunched up because his forehead hurt. He actually looked kind of cute like that.

"Be quiet!" I hissed.

"Sorry, I've just always wanted to say that."

I rolled my eyes and went back to listening for any sound that would indicate movement. A few minutes passed and I still hadn't heard anything. Maybe we scared it away, who knows. All I knew was that we needed to get out of this cave and back to the boys. I turned around to get Harry so we could leave, but I couldn't find him anywhere.

"Harry?" I whispered, cautious because the spider-monster could still be out there.

No answer.

"Harry?" I tried again, a little louder this time.

No answer.

This time I yelled it, "Harry!"

Again, no answer. Did he seriously leave me?

"Zena! Help! The monsters got me!"

"Where are you?!" I screamed.

"At the front of the cave! Hurry!"

"I'm coming Harry! Hold on!"

What have we gotten ourselves into...?


Yay!!!! Chapter 17!!!!

I know the past few chapters have been boring

But they will get exciting soon

I promise

Just keep reading

What do you think is in the cave with Zena and Harry?

Will they get out?

What will happen next?!

Comment and vote for a quicker update!

I really enjoy reading your comments, especially the long ones!!! :P

I really hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Have a great Sunday!!!!!

~The Cupcake Queen. /^^\ Failed cupcake---> \__/

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