Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Harry's POV

Come on Harry, you gotta be brave for Zena. Just go out there and tackle the monster! Be a man! I slowly and carefully walked out there. When I got to the front of the cave something tackled me to the ground and before I could scream for help it covered my mouth. Wait a second... I recognize that smell from somewhere!

"Ooeee?" I asked through the hand.

"What?" it asked, uncovering my mouth so I could talk. Sounded exactly like Louis.

"Louis?" I asked again.

"Hazza! How'd you know?" he squealed, like a little school girl.

"The smell of your hand," I smirked. He smells just like a manly flower. If that makes any sense... I suddenly realized that he just scared the bajeezus out of Zena and I.

"What the heck?! You had Zena and I convinced that you were freaking Big Foot!" I screamed at him.

"Sorry, we got bored and worried so I came to check on you," he explained.

How long did we take? It couldn't have been that long, barley seemed like five minutes. Maybe time just passed by faster because I couldn't stop staring at her. She is just so beautiful with her long, wavy black hair, her mesmerizing green eyes, and her perfect body. It was a wonder she didn't have a boyfriend.

"Hello? Earth to Harry!" Louis shouted. It's a wonder Zena hasn't come out yet, with all the racket we are making.

"Sorry, I was just thinking," about the most beautiful being on earth.

"About who? Zena?" he smirked. He knows me too well, sometimes I don't know if that's a good or a bad thing. I sent a glare his way, then pushed him off me and stood up.

"Hey! I have a brilliant idea to get you and Zena to kiss!" Louis exclaimed. Oh boy, what could this be..?

"What?" I asked, suspiciously curious.

"Okay, I could pretend to be the monster and then you scream for help. I'll pretend to fatally hurt you, she comes running out to save you, sees you, and then the only thing that can save you is a kiss from your true love! Like a demented version of Snow White!"

"Ummm, okay? I don't think she would fall for that..."

"Just try it."  

Before I could say anything he had me pinned to the ground with me screaming for my life.

Zena instantly came running out with a terrified expression her face, which soon turned confused, then furious when she realized that it was all just a joke.

"What the hell?! This was all just a joke?!" she screamed at us.

"What are you talking about? There really was a monster!" Louis defended both of us.

"Whatever, just go get the rest of the boys so we can spend the night here," Zena commanded.

Louis and I left the cave to go find the others. Again I wondered how long Zena and I had been in there because when we went in the sun was just starting to set and now it is almost completely dark. Well, time does fly when you are having fun. Maybe not fun, but being with the person you love. Wait... Did I really just say love? Yeah, I did, and even though we aren't dating I think I really do love her. I just wish she would realize that and love me back. We walked for a little while until we came upon a shoe that looked to be Niall's. Louis and I looked at each other with confused expressions on our faces.

"Uh, isn't that Niall's shoe?" Louis asked.

I was about to reply but we heard a scream coming from the cave where Zena was. We both took off sprinting towards the cave to find out what was happening. When we got there we saw Zayn, Liam, and Zena trapped up against the cave wall by Niall. Niall's look had changed drastically; his hair was all messed up, his clothes were all raggedy, and his skin had turned a greenish grey color. What the heck happened to him? He looks like a zombie! ...Wait. He couldn't be...could he? Zena noticed us and motioned for us to get out of there. I wanted  to refuse, but I didn't have time to think before Louis dragged me off into the forest.

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