Chapter 3

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Author's Note:Chapeter 3!!! :D

I tried to make this chapter longer than the first two, and hopefully it is longer than one page!

I dedicated this chapter to niamnarryshipper because she told me what I could do better and hopfully I improved!

Well, thats really all I had to say! Enjoy! :)


Chapter 3

I nervously walked back to the boys. I should probably warn them about my obsessed, crazy, fangirl friend.

"Um, guys?"

"What's wrong?" They all coursed.

"Well, my friend Caitlin is coming, and I just wanted to warn you that she is a crazy fangirl when it comes to you guys. ready."

They all laughed. What was so funny? Did they not take me seriously?

"We have dealt with fangirls loads of times before; I think we will be able to handle her." Zayn said still chuckling.

"She has about ten posters of each of you and she talks to them before she goes to sleep at night."

"Now that's just creepy," said an alarmed Zayn.

"No, she is just a dedicated fan," Liam said trying to defend her.

"A very, very dedicated fan," Harry shot back.

"Zena!" Caitlin yelled sprinting down the hall.

Uh oh

"Hey, I'm so sorry about your parents."

"Its fine," I tried to say without crying. "Caitlin I'd like you to meet Liam, Niall, Harry, Louis, and Zayn."

"Hello," Liam.

"Hello der!" Louis.

"Hi," Harry said casually with a cheeky smile.

"Vas' happenin?" Zayn.

"Hi," last but not least Niall.

Caitlin just stared at them in complete shock. They just stared back.

"Are you okay, love?" Daddy Directioner breaking the silence.

"You-you're One Direction." Caitlin was really good at stating the obvious.

"Yes, babe, we are," Niall said almost sarcastically.

"Niall, shut up. You know you would be the same if you met Justin Bieber," Liam was still defending Caitlin. Hmm

"I would not!" Niall tried to protest but you could see that he knew it was true.

"W-what are you doing?" Louis asked.

While Liam was making fun of Niall, Caitlin had turned to Louis to feel his face. I guess she still didn't believe that they were actually here.

"Do you believe me now?" I asked with a smirk on my face. She really was crazy sometimes.

"No quite yet, I have one question," Caitlin said with a devious look on her face. Oh dear, this was not going to be good.

"How many r's are there?"

What was she talking about?

"Oh, that's easy!" Louis exclaimed. "There are six r's."

"Congrats! You have passed Caitlin's test of being a directioner!"

"Yay!" they all coursed.

They all started talking about some twitcam where Caitlin apparently got her question from. While everyone was socializing and forgetting I was there, I snuck back to check on my mom. Earlier when she had her episode, I tried to stay strong and not break down and cry. It was going to be even harder now that she had died right in front of my eyes. But I needed to do it, so, I took a deep breath and walked through the door.

What I saw was not was not what I was expecting at all.

"Hi, Zena."

What?! I thought my dad was dead. And why were they both awake?


That's it for this chapter! I hope you liked it!

Comment with what you think!

Also, vote and fan!


Neverland :)

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