Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Unknown’s POV

I watched them as they entered the Irishmen’s house. I especially kept my eye on Zena. Even though her best friend was missing, she was enjoying herself. As for Liam, he didn’t seem too happy; he was very quiet and kept to himself. After they all set their supplies down, Niall went to the fridge to get some food while the others went to sleep. I decided he was the one I was going to watch tonight.

Niall’s POV

When we got back to the house, I went straight to the fridge while the others went to bed. I personally wasn’t that tired. I was a little worn out from looking for things all day but, my hunger comes first. I decided on a piece of cake, leftover Nando’s, and fruit smilies. I took everything up to my room and decided to watch TV. I about flipped through every channel before I found my absolute favorite show. It was Supernatural.  It was the episode where Sam was cursed by a rabbit’s foot, and this was the best par too! Dean was talking on the phone with Bobby while Sam was standing in the background trying to get a piece of gum off his shoe. He eventually lost his shoe in the sewer and had the FUNNIEST look on his face. I tried to hold in my laugh but I couldn’t help it, I burst out laughing and rolled off my bed onto the floor with a big thump. I hope I didn’t wake any of the lads or Zena, I would probably get screamed at if I did.

I heard someone coming up the stairs at top speed. I quickly turned off the TV and hopped into bed, pretending to be asleep. I hope whoever they were bought it.

“Niall you aren’t fooling anyone I know you are awake,” said a pissed off Liam.

I tried to pull off a snore. I think I did an excellent job.

“That was the worst snore someone could ever do.”

“I think it was pretty good!” I defended myself.

“Ah, so you are awake,” he said with a triumphant look on his face. I just glared at him. “What was that big thump that woke me up?!” he whisper-screamed completely changing attitudes.

“Sam made a funny face so I started to laugh and I fell off my bed,” I explained trying to look as innocent as possible.

“Sam? Who’s Sam?”

“Sam Winchester! From Supernatural! How could you not know this Liam!” I gasped at his question. How could he not know who Sam Winchester was??? Didn’t everyone know who he is?

“Niall, you are the only one in this house who watches that show.”


“Well, if that’s all… I’m going back to sleep,” he said walking out of my room but stopped at the doorway and turned around, “try not to fall off your bed anymore.”

“Thanks for the advice, mate,” I said sarcastically.

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