Chapter 4

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Chapter 4


"Hi Zena."


What?! I thought my dad was dead! And why are both of my parents awake?!

This didn't make any sense. Just a couple minutes ago my dad was dead and out of the room and my mom had died and then came back to life.


I must be dreaming; or maybe I had finally lost it. The latter was actually very possible.


This was too much to process, I thought. I need to take a seat. But the next thing I knew, the floor was coming towards my face and there was a loud thunk.


I woke up to an enormous headache. I needed Advil. I felt like I had a hangover my head hurt so much.


I looked up to see Caitlin in the corner talking with Liam, Niall eating, Zayn all cuddled up with his mirror sleeping (awww they looked so cute!), and Louis and Harry were having a staring contest.


What the heck?!


Liam seemed to be the only normal one in this group.


I checked my phone to see that it was 2:33 pm. Wait, I had been passed out for five hours?!?!


"Zee Zee! You're finally up!" Louis screamed at the top of his lungs.


"Louis! Be quiet! She hit her head! It probably hurts like crap!" Liam scolded Louis.


"Sorry," Louis whispered.


"Ugh, I need Advil," I moaned. “Why does my head hurt so much?"


"You saw your parents and you passed out and hit your head on the floor," Caitlin informed me.

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