Chapter 28: The President is angry

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Increase! My! Wages!

When Du Lei Si heard these three words, it was as if she's been injected with a strong stimulus, she was extremely excited.

Springing up from the sofa, her eyes shone with currencies, and instantly she started to flatter the certain someone: "Really? You want to give me a pay-rise? How much ah?"

Just the mention of money, all her anger have been diminished, however her type of money hungry personality wasn't one bit annoying in Lian Jun's eyes, instead he felt increasingly carefree, "How about I'll add another zero at the end of the sum? What do you think?"

Merely saying these words have shaken Du Lei Si to the core, after a very long she was trembling: "That... is there's a decimal point in front of that zero ah?"


"Then... there's the RMB after the zero, right?" Please don't say yen.

"Yes." Lian Jun helplessly nodded.

"Can you please pinch me?"

Facing the mindless Du Lei Si, Lian Jun felt somewhat helpless: "You don't believe me?"

Du Lei Si nodded and used her paws to clutch the President's hand, then using it to mercilessly pinch her own face. When his hand touched her cheeks, she didn't know why, unexpectedly her heart-felt some warmth.


After feeling the pain, Du Lei Si was happy.

Hey! It's not a dream!

Why did the President want to increase her wage? In fact, the answer is within the phone call Jason made. A few minutes ago, Lian Enterprise and Mou Kuai company have signed a cooperation agreement after negotiating for over three months. And this contract was the exact contract Du Lei Si helped adjusted a few days ago, the contract can be signed so quickly Du Lei Si also has merit. In Lian Enterprise, their employees rewards and punishment system are always very clear, even temporary employees are entitled to these benefits.

So from a poor person living on one pair of underwear whilst suffering many hardships, Du Lei Si have transformed into a millionaire. This feeling is like mixing a cup of melamine milk and transforming it to a mixed protein powder of melatonin, how can she not be happy and excited?

"Fei Fei, I want to invite you out to dinner!" Du Lei Si said with much excitement while dancing around.

Zhu Yao Fei was in the middle of playing games, when she suddenly received a phone call causing her to be distracted and giving the boss the chance to cut her into pieces, she was so angry that shouted into the phone: "Du Lei Si, you have gather money? If you have enough money, quickly repay me the soda money!"

"You still thinking of that eight cent soda money? Don't be so stingy!" Having money, her tone was certainly different, Du Lei Si lofty waved: "I'll shout you to one hundred and eight barbecue buffet."

"Forget it! You don't even have much family wealth, yet you still want to shout me one hundred and eight barbecue buffet? What about these eighteen pieces of optional hot and spicy soup that you promised to shout five months ago?" Zhu Yao Fei angrily asked.

"Fei Fei, I'm not lying to you! I'll invite you to dinner, you can even bring Xia Kun along."

"What? Condom, you have suddenly become rich?" Xia Kun's voice came through the speakers.

"You are a dead fox, you are condoms, you and your entire family are condoms" Du Lei Si angrily gnash her words, in this world only Zha Yao Fei that rascal can suppress Xia Kun the dead fox, this is the legend of one thing restraining another!

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