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ahn jia's

a hand fell off from the roof.

We all yelled and ran away as fast as we could just to avoid that disgusting arm that fell down.

"What the hell was that?!" Haechan said, disgusted. "Do we look like we have a clue on what's happening here?!" Jeno yelled as he continued to ran away.

As soon as we're far enough from the arm, we stopped, just to see the hands moving on its own and is moving towards us.

"Where the hell is our weapons?!" I yelled angrily, what the hell is this game? this game is trying to kill us!

"That's what I'm going to ask!" Jisung replied, the hands quickly moved and jumped on to Renjun's arms.

"AAAAAAAAA WHAT THE HELL?!" Renjun yelled for help, so we didn't just stood there, we went near him and grabbed the hand and pulled it away from him, but the grip is too strong that we might accidentally rip off renjun's skin. Its nails even scratched my skin! and it hurts!

"Wait, Renjun jog on that place as fast as you can!" Mark commanded, we all gave him a perplexed look. He just glanced at us and brought back his sight on renjun who's following his command.

As soon as renjun jogged and jogged while panicking, his sweat continuously dripped down, as well as the sweat on his arms, which made the hand's grip—unsecured and it fell down as soon as renjun smacked it away and mark catched it carefully.

Wow, I didn't even come to think of that idea. No wonder Mark's strategy is rated 5 out of 5.

"See? this is why they didn't gave us a weapon! this game wants us to make a strategy and think of a way on how we'll stop this issues on our own, just like a normal teenager, we are not going to harm anyone! we aren't going to kill anyone here!" Mark voiced out, we all stood there and stared at how determined he is.

"And that's just a basic mission, this hand symbolizes how much other races wants to reach out to us but we all ran away from it, thinking on how to destroy and treat it badly since it is not what or who we see everyday, in other words, it's different from us. Just like our mission," mark explained, "we are tasked to beat racial discrimination, but we still aren't ready since we, ourselves are hypocrites, we wanted to end those things but we, ourselves do it as well. This game really teaches us how our society works with the use of basic things." he added.

It brought us to a big realization, what mark said is really true, and with our amazement, we clapped our hands slowly.

"Just like what I've said on my status, Change your ways." and again, with what he said, the game place started to became noisy, and with what happened, we all fell down and was brought back to a deep sleep.


As soon as I woke up, I was lying on my bed, wait–so that's just a dream?!

So it means that the game hadn't started and I just fell asleep? what?!

I quickly grabbed my laptop and opened it quickly. I also noticed that my hands sting so I took a glance on it and saw a small scratch, no wonder it hurts. I didn't mind it and let my laptop catch my attention.

As soon as the game opened, a big text was written,

Mission 1, Complete. [ Racial Discrimination ]

But how did that happened? I fell asleep and nothing happened—oh the dream! in my dream, something happened!

Then our dreams must've been controlled by this game then? hell, that's creepy! I immediately opened my sns account to ask the boys if they had a strange dream which is the same as mine.


1m ago. : You, Donghyuck, Renjun and 5 others are in this group. ( 5 new messages.) View.

Chenle: hey I just woke up from a strange dream..

Renjun: me too...and hell! there's a hand mark on my arms!

Haechan: what..I dreamt about being chased by a damn hand!

Mark: can't you all realize? the game starts and happens in our dreams!

Jeno: if the game happens in our dreams, then why did I woke up with a dang scratch on my wrist? and I remembered that this scratch was from the hand that chased us in my dream!

You: I also have a scratch on my hands, and I also got those from the hand in my dream.

Jaemin: then that explains everything.

Jisung: damn, this game is insane

Jaemin: our dreams crosses paths with our reality, whatever happens with our body inside our dreams, also happens with our body in reality.

Jaemin: and if we ever die in our dream, we also die in reality.

Jaemin: this game is not what we think it is.

Jaemin: this game deals with our dreams vs our reality.

✔️ seen by everyone.


updated !! for author's note !!

hii! i'm wondering if anyone is enjoying this story jdjekdkdjsn but i hope someone does :>

I'm trying my best to update and make this story more interestingggg, i'm also avoiding foul words as much as I could since i'm writing about dream–and we all know most of them are minors :D

And anyway!! i'm planning to publish an nct ( including all 18 members ) story titled "boys" and yeS IT IS INSPIRED FROM CHARLI XCX's sONg :D

That's all, i guess..and i'll try to update as fast as I could and as soon as I thought of something to update, i'll drag my lazy ass to update so don't worry :D

thank you for supporting Go! mabuhay!

— y.

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