Part 1

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"We're just hooking up, I don't see what the problem is." Kehlani, pulled her tshirt over her head with a dry laugh as Demi huffed and rolled over to grab her own clothes. "Well casual sex tends not to be casual when it's nearly every night, excuse me for having feelings." Demi, pulled her hair into a ponytail.

"I'm not demeaning your feelings but when we started we had an agreement, it's already touchy, since you're technically my boss. Ms. Lovato." Kehlani adjusted her pants and flopped in a nearby chair. "I can see the headlines now, Lovato and Kehlani mix business with pleasure. I don't want tabloids in my business like that."

Demi rolled her eyes, "Newsflash, you are technically a celebrity. You can't hide forever." Demi hovered over Kehlani, with her hands planted on the arms of the chair she was in. "I like you, I like having you all to myself, I wouldn't mind keeping it that way after I finished touring. Kehlani shrank in the chair, Demi was saying all the right words and of course they were getting to her. Demi was beautiful, talented, outspoken and amazing in bed. However, with all of Demi's amazing traits to take into consideration, she still had to protect her own heart. Kehlani leaned up to kiss Demi softly and sighed after pulling away from her soft, succulent lips. "I have to get ready for meet and greet." Was all she said before sliding from under her lover and exiting the hotel room to go meet her team. "You're such an ass!" Demi called after her only to be met with silence as the door closed. She flopped in the same chair Kehlani had sat in and raked her tattooed hands over her face. "Fuck this." She grumbled.

Kehlani rested her back against the wall across from Demi's room. "I know." She muttered to herself. Why did she always put herself in this position, toying in dangerous territory just to be afraid of the consequences? Kehlani took one last glance at the number on the door and walked off down the hall. She had enough time to do an energy cleanse so she didn't go into her meet and greet drained from the emotional battle.

The day seemed to go on in slow motion, no matter what she did, her thoughts went back to Demi and her words and how much she, too, wanted to be the only person Demi kissed and fawned over. "Lani, go! You're ready!" Her stylist fluffed her hair one last time before sending her up the stairs to the stage. Kehlani had been completely out of her body after leaving the hotel room, she went through all the motions of her day that was scheduled to a T but the day was a daze because all she was thinking about was Demi. The older woman had got in her head and now she couldn't stop thinking about it. 

The second kehlani stepped onto the stage her thoughts slightly dissipated as she heard the screams from the crowd and the hype from Noodz behind her. She couldn't help but smile as she saw all the lights from the camera phones of thousands of people. She went through her set like she always did, having a blast and loving the love that she was getting from the crowd and as the chords to one of her news singles played and the lights dimmed it wasn't long before her mind drifted back to Demi. "Alright, I can't let any more time go by without giving thanks to a special woman who gave me the opportunity of a lifetime. I know y'all may only be vibin with me cause I'm openin her show but I appreciate all the love. Anyway thank you Demi fine ass Lovato for making my dreams come true. This one's for you girl." Kehlani pointed to the camera knowing Demi was watching in her dressing room. "I like my girls just like I like my honey.... Sweet...."

Kehlani's sultry voice filled Demi's dressing room as her cheeks flushed, even though she was still a little upset with her, her words made her feel fuzzy inside and warmed her heart. Demi's blushing didn't go unnoticed as she was nudged by her best friend. "You can't fool me, I know you two are having sex." Demi looked around to make sure no one heard and eyed her friends. "Not a word to anyone." she pointed and Marissa zipped her lips, smirking as she threw away the invisible key. "No one will hear a word from me." She teased and sat back down. "But we all knew already. You two have been flirting all tour, even fans have picked up some vibes." Marissa scrolled through her phone.

Demi rolled her eyes and made sure she looked perfect, "I have a show to do now." She said, completely disregarding her friend's statement.

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