Part 17

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A lot could happen in a single year. Demi and Kehlani had broken up and gotten back together a number of times but no matter whether they were together or apart the love that they had was still there. Kehlani was the happiest that she had ever been, it was unfathomable how this ended up happening due to both of them only wanting to be temporary hooks during tour. The more kehlani slept with demi the more she didn't want anyone else to even look at her. Her heart sped up every time she looked at the other woman and she couldn't get over how lucky she was to find someone so genuine and humble in an industry that chews people up and spits them out. Her last upscale relationship didn't end well and she didn't want history to repeat itself. Kehlani did everything she could to make sure that her and Demi remained together no matter what obstacle they faced. This was just another obstacle, one that they were going to get over together. Kehlani looked at Demi's limp hand in her own and rubbed over it with her thumb before bringing it to her lips as tears rolled down her cheeks. They were just driving, coming home from the best date ever when everything went black. When she came too, there were ambulances and blood and police. Their car was completely totalled and Demi.. Demi was laid out on a stretcher with so many things attached to her. It made no sense at all everything was going fine and now she and love of her life were on their way to the hospital. Kehlani had survived with a few scratches and a sprained wrist but Demi had been out for over a day now. Her family had been in and out of the room taking turns getting food and showering and trying to keep Kehlani's hopes up but the woman would only nibble on whatever was given to her.

Kehlani still had no idea as to how this happened nor did she care. The most important thing to her right now was Demi waking up and saying "I love you."

"It's okay.." Dianna said softly as she peeled kehlani off the bed and pulled her into her chest. "Demi has gone through so much, she is going to wake up any minute now."

Kehlani had never made it to dinner with Demi's family, they were supposed to formally meet this weekend but they accident put a rush on it. Dianna could feel how much Kehlani loved her daughter just by watching her sit hour after hour in the same spot looking for any flicker of movement from Demi to show a sign that she would pull through. All the tubes hooked up to the twenty five year old was a nightmare for everyone around her, they were only glad that it wasn't because a relapse that she was in said situation. Dianna shed her own tears as Maddison and Dallas joined in on the hug, that comforted all of them in a way. If demi was awake she would say something completely corny that would make everyone laugh and shake their heads. They could only imagine what she would say... they could only hope that she would wake up.

After several moments they all pulled apart and took their same positions in chairs scattered around the room. The media outlets were blowing up and they all vowed to stay off the internet until Demi woke up. One more false death accusation would send them all over the edge and Demi needed every last one of the people who loved her to be her strength.

Demi's laugh played over in her head and her smile was plastered in the front of memory she could see it every time she blinked. Kehlani wanted to keep her eyes closed just to see that radiant smile but she had to keep her eyes on her girlfriend to see if Demi would move or wake up, she didn't want to miss a thing. Kehlani's eyes drifted to the her ring glimmering under the hospital lights and she couldn't help but smile. Demi was so happy and couldn't stop playing with it since putting it on. If anything this proved Kehlani didn't want to spend her life without the woman, it was just agonizing to even think about. 

"I love you.." Kehlani whispered. "I love you more than anything I've ever loved. I can't imagine a life without you Demetria... I don't have many answers as to how we ended up here but I just need you to wake up to ask all the questions you want to ask. To tell me you love me. To kiss me and to hug.." Kehlani squeezed Demi's hands with a flicker of faith that the woman would squeeze it back. "Please... " She begged. 

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