Part 4

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Kehlani blindly made her way to her hotel room from the elevator. Demi's legs were wrapped tight around her waist and her hands were tangled in her hair, keeping her close so that even when they pulled away for air Demi could still keep her close. Demi wanted her close. Her back collided with the nearest wall, as Kehlani kicked the door shut, lifting Demi's arms up, pinning her hands above her head.

Demi moaned as Kehlani's lips pressed against her collarbone, while her shirt was torn down the middle, it took too much time to peel Demi out of her clothes piece by piece. It felt good to tear Demi out of her layers and reveal her smooth and appetizing skin. Demi brought her arms down to tug on Kehlani's shirt too but was met with the thud of her knuckles hitting the wall again. "Don't..." Was all the woman said before making her way to her california king bed and dropping Demi onto it, she fell back gracefully which mesmerized Kehlani more than how perfect her half naked body looked on her bed, it was how fragile she was. Kehlani had the urge to be careful with her and protect her no matter the cost.

Demi bit her lip, sitting up and pulling Kehlani in between her legs. "Hey, where'd you go?" She asked caressing her cheek, confused as to where the passion dissipated to, while Kehlani stared at her exposed body. "Nowhere." Kehlani answered, pressing her forehead against Demi's. Little moments like this that they had together while, before or after being intimate made Kehlani realize that this was more than just a tour fling with a friend. Spending all this time together, Kehlani didn't want it to end.

"This feels different." Demi said softly, her eyes soft and innocent like. "How?" Kehlani asked, lacing her fingers with Demi's.

"I don't know but everything is different with you."

"Do you want to stop?"

"Do you?"

"Not at all." Within moments clothes had been tossed around the room and the innocence dissolved as the passion escalated to its highest capacity. "Keh..." Demi breathed out,her head pushing into the pillows as her back arched and her thighs tightened around Kehlani's head. Her mouth was dry from the heavy breathing but it didn't matter due to the immense amount of pleasure Kehlani was giving her with her tongue. Kehlani's grip on Demi's tan thighs tightened as she circled the swollen bundle of nerves with her tongue, pushing Demi's legs away from her head, with a free hand she added her fingers to the rhythmic pattern of her tongue. Demi's high pitched moans bouncing off the walls egged Kehlani on more, she just wanted to bring the woman over the edge.

Demi felt the coil in her stomach tighten and tighten, she didn't want the woman to stop but her orgasm was approaching no matter how hard she tried to push it off.

Kehlani looked up at her with dark and lustful eyes, the sight before her would drive any sane person crazy. Demetria Lovato, naked and squirming underneath her touch, her moans bouncing off the walls, definitely coming through to any nearby neighbors. It would be impossible for anyone passing not to know what was going in that suite.

Demi's hand held Kehlani in place as she felt the coil snap in the pit of her stomach, her hips bucked as she felt her orgasm take over her entire body, her mouth agape but nothing, not a sound, escaping from her parted lips. Her coffee colored eyes had rolled to the back of her head. Kehlani had found all of Demi's spots in no time and knew exactly how to play them to her advantage. Heavy pants now filled the room in place of Demi's moans, as she came down from her sapphic euphoria. Kehlani kissing up Demi's spasming body to rest her lips on the weak spot of Demi's neck, causing the brunette to let out a soft whimper. "Get some rest alright." Kehlani encouraged, she didn't want Demi worrying about returning the favor. The twenty five year old needed to get some steam off running an entire tour as smooth as possible. Kehlani kissed Demi's head as she wrapped the previously discarded blanket around their bodies, letting the older woman girl into her.

Long after Demi had fallen asleep Kehlani was still up, trying to get her head to wrap around all the feelings swirling around inside her. This rendezvous was like none other, she had long since concluded that. Her heart pounded as images of a future with Demi filled the front of her mind, she knew she didn't want Demi with anyone but herself no matter how hard she tried to fight it. She felt something deep for her even if her mind was screaming at her heart to not even dare cross that line. But the line had been crossed the second Kehlani made the first move that would later land the two in bed every other night for the majority of tour. There was no denying it anymore. She wanted more than what she was allowing herself to have with Demi. She needed it.

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