Part 11

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Kehlani wanted to prove to Demi that she was all for the new clothes on rule in their relationship. She didn't want to just go through the motions of their relationship, she wanted to make sure Demi knew that she was in for the long the run. Rose petals were scattered all over the beautiful mini mansion that belonged to Kehlani. Candles gave a gorgeous ambiance to the room, that had been emptied out for the date Kehlani had planned. Demi would be arriving any minute, yet Kehlani was still adjusting the room so the mood would be just right when Demi walked in. She wanted the other woman to feel love as soon as she stepped over the threshold so everything had to be perfect.

In the midst of laying out just a few more rose pedals, the door opened and closed and a loud gasp could be heard which made a smile spread across Kehlani's face. "Keh..."

Demi met her girlfriend around the corner and her breath hitched at the setting beyond her. "What is all this?'

"I'm courting you." Kehlani beamed, taking Demi's jacket and purse and setting them aside.

There were blankets and pillows set on the floor with Demi's favorite meal on top. "Courting me?"

"It's important for to constantly try to get with you even if you're already my girlfriend. I will always do my best to make you swoon and feel all the love that I feel for you."

Tears pricked Demi's eyes as she smiled, leaning in to kiss Kehlani. She couldn't believe her love had gone through all this trouble to make her feel so special. "Come on, sit, sit." Kehlani ushered Demi to the pillows on the floor and sat across from her. "Sparkling water." Kehlani offered with a smirk. Demi couldn't help the chuckle and took it setting it aside as she took a sip.

They sat there in front of each other with no distractions and talked and got to know each other beyond the surface. How had they managed to be in a relationship and not go on a single date? Kehlani thought and she figuratively slapped herself on the hand for being so insensitive and not taking the time to properly show Demi this side of her.

The scraps of their food had been set aside and now the couple lay side by side on their backs looking at the stars through the skylight with their hands interlocked. "I love you." Demi said. "It may be a little soon since this is our first date but I am so in love with you." Demi half joked, bringing the back of Kehlani's hand to her lips. "You didn't have to do all this."

"Of course I did baby. You and I have been dating for a several months and regardless of if most of the months we were on tour as soon as we got home, I should have taken you on a date. You are my girlfriend and you are important to me."

Demi turned to kiss Kehlani deeply, letting their mouth part for their tongues to fight over dominance and of course kehlani won. One hand rested on Demi's back while the other cupped her face to bring her in as close as possible.Their bodies fit together like two puzzle pieces, legs tangled together and hearts beating in sync.

Pulling back to take in air that they had been missing out on due to their passionate make out session, Demi looked over at Kehlani, with her eyes closed and a smile on her face that showed content, she knew they were supposed to be together. There was no way this would end like her past relationships had ended, if it did end. Demi's heart skipped a beat every time she looked at the woman beside her and her stomach never failed to erupt in butterflies with the simplest of touches and kisses.

"Do we have to go on tour next week? I would rather lay up with you instead." Demi pouted.

"My next two tours only last a month each and then I can meet you in south america and be a great stress reliever." Kehlani pecked Demi's nose.

"You would do that?"

"I'd do anything for you." 

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