Part 10

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Kehlani felt disgusting for eating half a tub of ice cream mixed with tears. Cookie crumbs were scattered across her lap and empty candy bar wrappers were garnishing the mess. With all the shit that surrounded her it'd be hard to believe that it had only been two days. Two days without being wrapped in the protective of her girlfriend, without kissing Demi all over her and hearing her giggle, without breathing her in and appreciating the aura that surrounded them. Kehlani missed demi so much but she had messed it up and wasn't sure if she'd be able to do all those things and then some with the woman who cShe felt the warmth of the sunlight on her skin and cringed away from it, covering herself with her blanket and curling into herself. "Close the fucking blinds." She snapped.

"Lani you've been sulking for two days. You need to start getting ready for tour next week." Her annoyingly chipper assistant and roommate, Edward said while snatching the blanket off of her fragile body. He hated seeing his friend like this and if Kehlani was like this Demi had to be the exact same or worse.

"I don't want to go. I don't want to do anything but get her back."

"How are you supposed to get her back if you are sitting here being a sad ass? Kehlani it's been two days. If you want her back, take your ass over their and go fight for her and don't come back until you two have made up and you've gotten laid."

"She doesn't want me, I messed up. I...." Kehlani was cut off by her own sobs. "I don't know how to fix this." Her words were broken up and now she was being cradled by her friend. Kehlani was alone again she had lost the best thing that had ever happened to her and she had no idea where to find the motivation to get her shit together.

"Shh." Edward hushed his friend and stroked her hair. "Take my advice Kehlani. Go over there.. Take a shower first and get your girl." He lifted her up and wiped her tears. "You stink."

Kehlani tried to smile but failed, nodding as she got up to go and take a shower. Edward was right, the longer she waited, the quicker Demi was going to get over her and that is the last thing she wanted. Kehlani loved Demi. She was head over heels in love with that woman and no amount of time could determine how she truly felt about her. It wasn't long before Kehlani was driving down the highway practically speeding to get to Demi she couldn't let her go this easy.

Demi was right, she gave up when things got hard but it came like second nature to her. It was easier for her to give up than to fight for someone who wouldn't fight for her but Demi would fight for her and she knew that but the doubt in her head overpowered her common sense. She groaned as she pulled into Demi's driveway and let herself in with the key Demi hid in her not so secret spot. Was this breaking in? That didn't matter right now, she had to find Demi.

She bit her lip when she found the brunette curled into the huge Kehlani had gifted her with a few weeks ago and one of her t-shirts. "Demetria." Kehlani spoke timidly. "Before you freak out just hear me out." Kehlani held her hands up when Demi jolted up and the hurt on her face turned to anger. "I'm sorry Demi. I am so, so sorry. I should have went to that dinner. I shouldn't have been so quick to give up and I miss you. These last few days have been so miserable for me and I need you, Demi. I can't get you out of my head and I'm so sorry that I put you through this."

Demi's face softened up, she had missed the other woman. She had missed her so much and wanted nothing more than to jump into her arms and catch up on the love making that they had missed the last two days but the other half of Demi was right, about them moving to fast and now they needed to take things slower than they had started with. "Sit down.." Demi said, melting at Kehlani's words. "I shouldn't have yelled at you in the first place, I immediately lashed out at you when we could have had a normal conversation." Demi took kehlani's hands in hers and sighed. "I don't want to be without you either but I do think we need to change some things."

Kehlani let a small smile trace her lips and nodded, "I'll do anything for you Demetria. Whatever it takes to keep us together."

"We need to stop having sex."

The record that would have scratched a few days ago during Kehlani's statement would have scratched again followed by the shattering of glass that would be her jaw hitting the floor. "Um what?" She stammered.

Demi laced their fingers together, "Our relationship is passionate and exciting and new. You bring out so much in me that no one else has ever has and I love that about you, about us. I just think that we have a lot of sex. All of our conversations end in sex, arguments too." Dani sighed. "So I'm thinking that we focus on other parts of us that don't involve our clothes being off."

Demi had a point, Kehlani couldn't think of a time when they weren't knuckle deep in each other, which wasn't a bad thing but it took away from all the other important things that build a relationship. Instead of the foundation being love, adoration, etc. It was built on pure lust and that caused the demise of most relationships.

"You mean more to me than you will ever know Dem and if we're cutting out sex for a while then so be it. I will do anything for you." Kehlani cupped Demi's cheek and brought her in for kiss that took seconds to deepen and they both pulled back with urgency. "You are.. Something else." Demi smirked. "I can't help it but I promise I'll control myself." Kehlani assured.

"Can we take a nap? I haven't slept in days." Demi noted, falling back onto the bed, knocking the bear off the bed.

"We can definitely take a nap.... After you shower. You're kind of rank." Kehlani teased, pecking Demi's pouty lips.

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