Part 13

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After almost a year of touring, finally Demi was stepping foot into her massive mansion, excited to shower and fall naked onto her bed and relax. Kehlani wouldn't be back for another few days so she would lounge around and catch up on all the documentaries she missed while she was away. She let out a sigh of relief when she felt the hot water sting her back and loosen up her tight muscles. She was glad she didn't have to worry about the next flight she had to catch or rushing through meet and greets or anything tour related. She didn't even want to talk about tour anymore, let alone think about it. Demi lathered her body in soap basking in the warmth of the water on her skin, pushing the thoughts of tour out of her mind and let it drift off to her girlfriend, her insanely hot girlfriend and the things they'd be able to do once they were reunited. Moments later Demi was letting out cries of release with her back pressed against the wall and her thighs quivering. Damn she missed Kehlani.

Demi was pulled from her thoughts by the loud ringing of her phone on the bathroom sink. Wrapping her body in the towel she hummed when she saw Lauren's contact filling her screen. They hadn't spoken in months, especially since her and Kehlani started dating. It seemed weird given that they had both slept with the same woman.

"Hey long time no talk." Demi said parading through to her bedroom and dabbing her body dry with the towel.

"Yeah I know you've been quite busy."

"You answered so I'm assuming you're back home.."

"Yeah, I just got in a few hours ago actually."

"Are you up to hang out? I could come by and bring snacks."

Demi hummed. "Sure Kehlani won't be back for a few more days so I'm free."

"Okay cool! See you in a bit."

Demi hung up the phone and then she felt guilt set in, was it guilt if she hadn't done or thought of doing anything? Should her ex-girlfriend be coming over to hang out.. Alone? They were still friends apparently so there shouldn't be a problem. Kehlani hung out with her sometimes too so they were all friends. Demi started to get dressed since Lauren would be over soon being that she didn't live far.

Lauren bounced up to Demi's door and went on to let herself if. "Hey Demi I'm here!" She called out as she walked through the door, leaving her shoes by the door. Demi had a very important rule of no shoes on her carpet, the woman was exceptionally clean and neat so her rules made sense.

"On the couch." Demi called out, engulfed in the documentary playing on her tv.

"Well look at you, Ms. Demi Lovato back from her world tour in her natural habitat." Kehlani teased.

"Oh shut up kitten." Demi scoffed and waved her off. "Did you come over to make fun of me or hang out."

Lauren shrugged, "Little bit of both." She smiled and kissed her friend's cheek.

Demi smiled, settling back into her position. Once the two got to talking the documentary was forgotten and the pair was laughing hysterically. "God I missed you." Lauren smiled.

"I missed you too."

"I missed something else too." Lauren's smile turned into a sly smirk as she inched closer to Demi who leaned in but then pulled away. "What are you doing?" She said.

"I'm trying to get you naked." Lauren said, pulling back as well.

"Have you been under a rock or something? I'm definitely in a relationship with Kehlani."

"You guys are still going? I figured it was just a tour fling."

Demi stood up in a huff and crossed her arms over her chest. "Are you kidding me? A tour fling?"

"I mean yeah. You did in fact drop me pretty quick but Kehlani is hot so I could understand the temptation."

Demi let out a dry chuckle, "Are you fucking delusional or something we broke up before my tour even started, just because slept together a few times after that doesn't mean anything. I haven't talked to you in months and instead of coming over and acting like a normal friend you try to make a move on me."

"You mean to tell me, you have no feelings for me once so ever?" Lauren said standing up and taking a step towards her now apparent ex. "You are completely over me and Kehlani does it for you."

Demi's mouth went dry feeling the woman's body heat radiating on to her. "I-... I'm in love with Kehlani and I don't know what you're trying to do but you need to knock it off."

Lauren's eyes undressed Demi as she bit her lip. "Well when you are ready, you'll know where I'll be." She kissed Demi's cheek and turned to let herself out, leaving Demi to process what just happened and figure out why she had to change her underwear.

Why was her body reacting this way if she loved Kehlani. She bit her lip, flinching when the door shut.

Just her luck that seconds later, Kehlani's specific ringtone sounded through the living room causing Demi to stumble to get it.

"H-h-hey babe."  

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