Part 18

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If someone were to ask Kehlani what day it was she wouldn't have a clue. By now, the days had started to run together, night and day were all the same and as long as Demi was unconscious time moved agonizingly slow. While everyone took turns leaving to collect themselves, Kehlani always stayed. Everyone surrounding them had given up on trying to force her to do anything other be by the brunette's side; As if it were an option to do anything else. Kehlani would never forgive herself if she missed anything regarding the love of her life. She was sure Demi was going to wake up any moment, she had to. Kehlani didn't want to take the chance of risking it and not being one of the first people Demi saw when she did open her eyes.

 The last time she had slept was a mystery, her eyes remained on Demi, no matter how bad they burned to keep them open. Kehlani let out a sigh as she fiddled with the ring on Demi's limp hand before interlocking their fingers and squeezing her lover's hand. 

"I love you.." Kehlani's words were soft but her voice still hoarse from all the crying. She was scared for the fate of Demi but would still hold out hope even if everyone else seemed hopeless. While she felt alone she had to keep in mind that Demi wasn't just loved by her. Kehlani rested her head on the bed to close her burning eyes briefly against her will. Silently, she cried into the blanket and squeezed Demi's hand with a small glimmer of hope that she would squeeze back and an even smaller glimmer that she would wake up and everything would be fine and this whole ordeal would be one big bad dream. Kehlani lifted her head when she felt a hand on her back as an attempt to soothe her silent but ever present woes.

Kehlani's head still rested on the edge of Demi's bed, against her will her eyes started to close but she was so tired she couldn't fight it anymore. She had no idea how long she had had her head down but it was dark and it was just her and Diana. Kehlani felt a sudden panic take over her as she looked around the room. 

Diana, startled by Kehlani's abruption, rushed to her side. Going through this horrible event gained her an extra daughter who needed her just as much as Demi did. She cradled the young woman to her chest and rocked back and forth on the floor. Neither of them knew of how they ended up like this but it didn't matter, the just melted into each other. "You needed to sleep, honey." She soothed, pushing her hair out of her face while still firmly holding her close, knowing that was the reason for Kehlani's panic. She had been through this many times so she understood how Kehlani felt. Silently, Diana vowed to be there for the woman just as she would for her own. They all needed each other right now. 

*Note: I don't know guys... it's been a while since I've even looked at this story. so I'm sorry about the short chapter but bare with me as I get into the groove of things again.*

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