Part 6

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The couple had been doing well hiding from the media. Secret date nights after shows, late nights staring at the stars on the rooftops of hotels. Kehlani brought something different out of Demi, something she had never experienced before and it felt good. It felt refreshing. Whenever Demi sang she sang to Kehlani, the lyrics to her most intimate songs about past lovers had a new meaning now and every time she belted a note she wanted Kehlani to feel that she meant every word. It wasn't like they were going out of their way to keep their relationship a secret it was just a thing that happened and they had gotten lucky to have the little bit of privacy that they did have. As far as the world knew they were just friends who had gotten so much closer during the stint of the tour.

Kehlani watched from the crowd as Demi knelt on the revolving bed. She looked so flawless, it was the last night of the american tour and while kehlani was glad to have a mini break before touring the rest of the world she would miss Demi and she didn't know what would become of them while they were apart. What she did want to do is tell the world that she was in love with Demi or at least hint that they were an item. The bed had turned to face the opposite side and she made a wim decision to jump on the bed and caress Demi. She smiled as their eyes met and the innocent smile spread across her lovers face. "What about what they'll say?" Demi muttered to Kehlani, "I don't care." The crowd was going nuts by now, their lips had met for a quick but loving kiss. "Well relax." Demi said, pushing Kehlani on the bed. Feeling the woman's hands on her she almost forgot she was in the middle of a set and had the screaming of the fans not pulled her out of a trance she would have let Kehlani take her right there. Putting the thought in her pocket for later, Demi climbed off and led the way off the B stage as if nothing had happened but the heat between her thighs and the racing of her heart said otherwise. As soon as Kehlani was in arms reach Demi gripped her face and kissed the woman deeply. "I have to finish out the show but i need you to be in my room by before me because you have no idea what you've done to me." Demi husked and the tone of her voice sent a chill down Kehlani's spine.


This is hella short but I have been so packed with work.  I haven't been able to write like I want to. Just think of this as a preview for the whole chapter cause I'm definitely not finished with it yet.  Tell me what you want to happen between them..

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