Part 12

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It felt odd being without Demi and Kehlani couldn't understand why. She had spent decades without the woman and now here she was just wanting to see her across the room at least. Kehlani had gotten used to  being around her girlfriend during the majority of her time off tour and well, on tour too. The longing felt ridiculous she just wanted to be in the arms of the woman she loved yet she was all the way in Japan while Demi was somewhere in South America with dozens of women and men infatuated with her and fawning over her. Maybe Demi even went out with her team and had people eyeing her down, giving her their numbers.. Kehlani didn't know what came over her but she was dialing Demi for the fourth time today just to check in and make sure she was still her girlfriend.

"Hey I was just thinking of you!" Demi chirped over the phone.

"Can I make a confession?" Kehlani asked, embarrassed that these thoughts had even crossed her mind.

"You can tell me anything." Demi assured, she turned over in her bed glad that she had today off so she could answer the many, many calls she got from Kehlani.

"It's not that I don't trust you.. I just, I've been so used to being around you practically all the time as of late and you're just so incredible I don't want you to come back to me and realize we shouldn't be together."

Demi smiled sadly on the other end of the phone. She had a feeling something was wrong with Kehlani, she could hear it in her voice every time she picked up the phone. "Aw my love." Demi cooed. "You have no reason to feel that way. I love you. All I do is think about you. I can't wait to get home so I can see you and get back into our regular schedule." Demi tried to assure.

Kehlani let out a sigh of relief.

"There is no one who can compare to you. No one could ever make me feel the way you do, I want this with you for a long time Keh."

"I feel the complete same." Kehlani agreed.

"Four more months okay?" Demi bit her lip fiddling with the necklace Kehlani had given her before she left.

"Four more months."

"I love you."

"I love you most."

"I'm sorry for being ridiculous." Kehlani apologized, "I'm not usually like this."

"Different people bring out different sides of you. There is no reason for you to apologize. It's a common feeling in a relationship. We're also in two separate countries. You think I haven't had the same thoughts?"

Kehlani chuckled. "Jeez, you're so right."

Demi hummed, "I like the sound of you saying I'm right." She teased. "But in all seriousness if I see you dancing with one more sweaty bra in your pants, you and whoever threw it will have hell to pay."

"Yes ma'am, no more strange bras." Kehlani assured. "But the same goes for you, kiss another dancer and that's your ass."

They were both joking, everything they did during tour, excluding each other, was all for show. The dancer kisses meant nothing, especially because everyone who got a kiss from demi was in a relationship and every bra that hit Kehlani's stage was swept away into the garbage. 

"I have to go okay? I have an early day tomorrow." Demi sighed, she didn't want to hang up with Kehlani but she knew in order to give her best performance she had to get some type of rest.

"Okay... I love you still."

"And I still love you most."

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