Part 5

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Music played softly in the background while Kehlani showered, the hot water treading down her body as she washed off the day. She had spent all day out with her friends touring the city, shopping and signing autographs for whoever ran into her. It was a great off day but she was tired and just wanted to relax before the show the next day. Stepping out and wrapping herself in her towel Kehlani turned the music up louder, to drain her thoughts away with the melodies of the music. Kehlani scrolled through some pictures on instagram as she walked through the massive hotel room, singing along to Lauryn Hill's ex-factor, "I keep letting you back in.." Kehlani bopped to the music as she peeled layers out of her suitcase to find something to wear.

"No matter how I think we grow.." Demi wrapped her arms around Kehlani's waist causing the woman to jump an elbow her in the chest. Demi stumbled back laughing as she rubbed the now sore spot. Kehlani turned the music off and scolded the woman. "I'm from oakland, you cannot be walkin up on a Bay area woman like that." Kehlani picked her towel up off the floor and rewrapped it around herself. "I'm sorry.. I wanted to surprise you." Demi said, still rubbing over where it hurt. "How did you even get in here?"

"I have my ways." Demi smirked and climbed onto the large bed, watching the other woman get dressed. "I've been by myself all day and I wanted some company...yours specifically." Kehlani blushed, getting next to Demi and grabbing the remote to her tv. "Well I don't know how entertaining I'll be. I've been out all day and just wanna watch a movie and relax."

The two curled up together and settled on Me Before You... ironic. The story of how loving a person can change your entire outlook on life. Kehlani looked over to Demi who was a sobbing mess and chuckled. "Aw, you could have said something I would have turned it off." Kehlani grabbed a tissue, dabbing Demi's cheeks. "It's just so sad how in love they were and yet he still didn't want to stay but she knew that he needed this because there was nothing left for him." Demi groaned as she sobbed more into the tissue. "Well, I'll never watch another romance movie with you again." Kehlani teased, kissing Demi's head and pulling her in close until the woman's cries subsided and she seemed to be over the emotions the movie had caused.

Kehlani kissed Demi's forehead and each of her cheeks before lasly kissing her deeply. "Feel better?" Kehlani asked as she pulled back. Demi's eyes were still closed with her lips still puckered. Kehlani had that effect on her, it felt like whenever they kissed the world stopped and even though they couldn't be together like Demi so badly wanted deep, deep down, having her for now felt just as good. Kehlani kissed Demi again and sighed in content, resting their foreheads together and taking in this simple moment "I love you.."

Demi's eyes opened and she choked on her breath realizing she wasn't the one who let the words fall out. She pulled away and moved to the end of the bed. "Don't say it if you don't mean it. If this is just a fling for you, let it be a fling but don't play with my heart." Demi had venom on her tongue, she didn't have time for this. "I should go." Demi stood up, only to be pulled back down with Kehlani's soft almond shaped eyes. "No, I mean it."

"This isn't a fling anymore Demetria and I've been scared as fuck to let it be more but these past few months all I do is want to be around you. I want to hear your voice and breathe you in. I don't want anyone else to think they have an opportunity with you. I need you all to myself."

Kehlani searched her eyes for something, anything in Demi's eyes that said she felt the same. "I shouldn't have said anything. How lesbian of me to try and move so fast right?" Kehlani chuckled, dryly. "I'm sorry."

Demi still hadn't said a word even though her she was bouncing around in her head but she couldn't get her brain to link with her mouth and speak. "I love you too.." Finally.

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