Part 16

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"Let's go!" Kehlani rushed as she held Demi's shoes up behind her in the mirror. "I'm trying to court you and you're taking a million years." Kehlani was excited for tonight, she and Demi had been busy over the last week and hardly had any time for each other. She wanted to spend some extra special time with her girlfriend and show her how much she loved her. She wanted to take every opportunity to show it in so may ways so that Demi would never feel anything less than she deserved. She put a lot of effort into tonight so everything had to be perfect.

"You don't have to court me Keh, I'm already yours."

"Hey... if I didn't act like I was trying to get with you all the time would we be as happy as we are?"

Demi shrugged with a smile, kissing Kehlani and taking her shoes to put them on. She had no idea where they were going only the information of dress casual and don't ask any questions. Demi fluffed her hair one last time and did a spin, "Happy? I'm ready."

"Ecstatic" Kehlani chirped, smacking Demi's ass and leading the way to begin their evening.

The couple was always in their own little world, no one else around them mattered and even the obnoxious paps couldn't ruin their night. It started with dinner, then having an entire arcade only open to them to indulge in a friendly competition of two love birds betting sex acts and who pays for the next date.

Demi threw her hands in the air as she scored the winning shot to finish their game of air hockey. "I thought i had it in the bag." Kehlani pouted, coming around  to pull Demi into her by her hips. "Well looks like you're not only paying for the next date night but you're also fucking the shit out of me later.."

Kehlani chuckled as she kissed Demi softly. "Alright.. Well there is one more thing I want to do to close the the night..." Kehlani reached into her pocket revealing a velvet box. "Don't get super flustered, it's not an engagement ring, yet..."kehlani popped it open to show off a diamond K ring.

"I thought it was a cute idea." Kehlani blushed. "You don't have to wear it or even take it-"

Her rambling was cut off by Demi's soft lips pressed against hers.

"Are you kidding? I'm never taking it off." Demi proudly let Kehlani place the ring on her finger and admired it in the flashing bright lights of the arcade. "I love you.." Demi gushed and pulled Kehlani in for another kiss.

"I love you most.."

"How did I get so lucky?"

"You took an amazing chance letting me sweet talk you into my bed."

"How about you take me home.. Right now and show my what else your mouth can do.."

Kehlani chuckled and waved in front of her. "Let's go home then baby."

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