Part 3

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Demi swayed her hips as the loud music filled her ears, her hands in the air and a smile across her face vibing with her team and even some strangers. She had a few days off from tour and was glad to have an opportunity to relax and let loose, not worrying about the stresses of the show she was soon to put on. She felt hands snake around her waist and turned around to find one of her dancers, she almost pulled away but what was the harm in a little bump and grind, they practically had sex on stage every night so what was the difference.

Kehlani was excited to go out and see anything but her hotel room and solely her team. She wanted to be around other bodies, maybe bring a hot body to her room. Who knew what the night would entail. She bounced her shoulders to the music, dancing with her friends with a drink in her hand. She turned in a circle looking for any potential nightcaps only for her eyes to catch on Demi back to front with one of her dancers. All of a sudden, Kehlani wanted to go home. She shouldn't be jealous but here she was green with envy wanting to tear the manly hands off of her woman and break them.

Demi was not her woman though; they both had made that pretty clear in their last conversation but as Kehlani saw Demi pressed against someone that wasn't her it hurt just a little. Tour was coming to a close and Kehlani was thinking more and more about settling down and not just hooking up with people anymore. With Demi anymore. She wanted the woman exclusively to herself and she didn't know how easy it would be to convince the woman to get on board when she was so adamant about otherwise.

Kehlani hadn't even taken a sip of her drink, she looked at it and sighed handing it off. She wanted to kiss Demi right now and she knew the woman wouldn't be up for it if she had alcohol on her lips. Making her way over to Demi, giving the man a glare that told him to move or else. Kehlani replaced his hands with hers and pressed her lips to the nape of Demi's neck, exposed by the loose bun she was sporting.

Demi felt the lips on her neck and knew too well who they belonged to. She turned around with a worried expression on her face. "What if someone sees?" Demi said over the music as best she could. "Let them see." Kehlani said, pressing her lips against Demi's. They were so into each other the cooing of their friends didn't invade their bubble. It was like they were floating on air and even though they were two among a crowd of sweaty bodies, no one else mattered.

"I want you.." Demi said, pulling away for air.

"Take me." 

Such few words made heat rise between Demi's legs and she felt a fire in the pit of her stomach that only Kehlani could extinguish. Without a word to their parties they disappeared, but it wasn't like they needed to give them a play by play, it was obvious. 


Do ya'll want a sex scene? I haven't written one because I don't know how it will be received. 

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