Part 14

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Demi sighed as once again Lauren crossed her mind. She couldn't help but think of the conversation they had the other day and she hated that they had it. Her and Lauren weren't an item for long but their relationship showed promise, not the promise that her and Kehlani had but it was close. Demi was just coming home from her workout when she stopped dead in her tracks. Rose petals lined the pathway from the door to the living room and little notes every few steps. She smiled as she read each one finally making it to her bed to find a very happy and sexy girlfriend waiting for her. "What the hell?" Demi beamed. "You told me you were stuck in Asia for a few more day." Demi jumped into Kehlani's lap and covered her in kisses. "I missed you so much." It felt so good to feel Kehlani's arms wrapped around her and her lips on her skin. "I wanted to surprise you." Kehlani chirped.

"Well I'm surprised, I'm just glad that it's you and not a murderer."

Kehlani let out a chuckle, cuddling into her girl, "How many documentaries did you watch?"

Demi blushed, "A lot."

"Of course you did, my sweet girl."

"How was Asia?"

"It was amazing. I learned so much and the fans ugh." Kehlani gushed.

Demi was so excited that Kehlani was back home and just in time to keep her mind off of the shit Lauren pulled the other day but as Kehlani's lips started to trail across her skin images of Lauren filled her thoughts. "I'm sweaty..." Demi noted.

"We've had sex right after shows, you think I care if you came home from the gym."

Demi hummed, "Yeah you're right. Get to work." Demi teased and Kehlani happily obliged, making quick work of Demi's clothes.

"I never get tired of looking at you.."

Kehlani's eyes had begun making love to Demi before she had even touched her making her hunger for the other woman grow even more insatiable. While Kehlani's eyes dance over Demi's naked body Demi's subconscious had started to take over causing her to shy away from the other woman. "Hey... Wait." Kehlani said, pulling the pillow from Demi's chest. "You're looking at me too long. I just..."

Kehlani could tell that Demi was growing more and more insecure by the minute and she wanted to know that she was loved. "Tell me what you hate the most about your body." Kehlani said pulling Demi up and positioning her in front of the mirror with her hands on her waist.

"Kehlani please.."

"No.. come on please. Tell what you don't like.." She urged causing the woman to sigh and look over her reflection.

"Okay fine, I don't like my hips and my thighs. I don't like that you can still see some of my self inflicted scars, I hate my chin and I don't see what you're making me do this." Demi bit back tears as she watched as Kehlani moved in front of her.

"I love your chin. I love your hips, especially how that look in my sweats. I love how your thighs..." Kehlani kissed every part of Demi's body that the woman said she disliked. Now she was kneeling in front of her kissing every visible scar and gripping her thighs as she inched closer to her sex. "I need you please.." Demi said biting her lip.

It was a matter of seconds before the room was filled with cries of pleasure with Demi's adored thighs clenching around Kehlani's head as she fell into euphoria. "Lauren!"

The sitcom record would scratch again as Kehlani stopped just in time for Demi to be coming down from her high. She couldn't have called out Lauren's name. Demi couldn't have been thinking of another woman while they made love. Kehlani felt her heart clench as she grabbed her shirt from the floor and slipped it over her body.

"Where are you going?" Demi said breathless, oblivious to what had just happened.

"Getting dressed."


"Because you would probably do the same thing too if I called out another woman's name during sex."

Demi's jaw dropped, dumbfounded at the statement. "What?"

"You just called Lauren's name. You were thinking about Lauren!"

Kehlani huffed, slipping back into her pants. "I can't even look at you right now.." Kehlani said, storming off.

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