Part 2

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Kehlani stood in the wings watching Demi perform and leave her entire soul out on the stage. She had been having so much fun touring with Demi and she had even more pleasure of watching Demi grind on that rotating bed during the second part of the show. Who wouldn't enjoy watching Demi dry hump a mattress? Especially knowing that later she would be doing the same thing on her face after the show.

"You're lookin good girl." Kehlani smirked as she came into Demi's dressing room. The shorter woman smiled and gave her a sly smirk, "You're not looking too bad yourself." Demi turned around just enough to greet her with a soft kiss. Smiling, Kehlani moved hair out of Demi's face to take in all of her beauty, "So you're not mad anymore?"

"How can I be mad when you're right? This is only temporary and Lauren and I have this on and off thing. It's messy, especially since you decided to sleep with her too." Demi held back a scoff and sipped her water. "You wanna keep this casual, it's casual."

Kehlani couldn't help but feel a twinge of pain in her heart as Demi completely demolished any idea of them being an item she had planted earlier. Even though that is what Kehlani had said she wanted, where was the fun in the other woman giving up so easily. "So my room tonight then?" Kehlani asked.

"Keh, I'm pretty tired after tonight's show. The crowd was so amazing it drained the fuck out of me." Demi rolled her head from shoulder to shoulder trying to get some kinks out of her neck. "Let me help." Kehlani said moving behind Demi and placing her freshly manicured hands on her shoulders, working out the knots causing Demi discomfort. "You're so tight, jeez." Demi covered her mouth to keep from laughing, causing Kehlani to scoff. "Can you ever not be inappropriate?"

Kehlani kept working Demi's shoulders and she couldn't help but appreciate the effortless beauty exuding from her as she stared at Demi's relaxed reflection in the mirror. Her eyes had fluttered shut and she had slightly sank in the chair from the magic Kehlani was doing with her hands. Silence surrounded them, excluding the shallow breaths Demi let out and a few moans that escaped her lips when Kehlani really worked out the knots. They were both in a trance, Demi in one of relaxation and Kehlani in one of Demi. Self control seemed to be an absolute joke since Kehlani had made a move on her weeks ago. The 22 year old was no longer daydreaming of Demi's lips due to them being pressed against hers, transitioning to an open mouthed kiss leading to their tongues fighting for dominance as Demi knocked off whatever was on her vanity so Kehlani could lift her up to be sitting on it. They were in full make out, forgetting about the rest of the world. Neither of them would admit it now, but there were fireworks that lit up their imaginations every time their lips met, there was no denying their chemistry but of course due to Demi going back on her words earlier and Kehlani's trust issues there was denying it, even though it was useless. Demi's fingers had tangled in Kehlani's hair and Kehlani had slipped her hands under demi's shirt searching for a bra to undo but finding only Demi's soft skin. Kehlani drug her nails down Demi's back causing the brunette to elicit a moan into the hot and steamy kiss.

"You are not putting those things inside of me." Demi pointed, pulling away to catch her breath. Kehlani looked at her long stiletto acrylics and shrugged, "Come to my room tonight, they'll be gone." She promised.

"Kehlani, I told you I was tired." Demi hopped off of the vanity and turned around to adjust herself. Disappointed, Kehlani tucked her hair behind her ears and nodded. "Right..."

Demi noticed the dismay in Kehlani's tone and sighed. "Maybe I can come over tonight but you have to keep those magical hands to yourself."

"Oh please, you came on to me. How do you think this started?"

"You just kissed me Ms. Tsunami."

"You know that's not my name right."

"Fuck off." Demi nudged Kehlani grabbing her bag. "Ready?" Demi held out her arm for Kehlani to link hers with. "Maybe you don't have to keep your hands all the way to yourself."

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